Africa West Africa World 

Child Online Africa calls for resilient education system for Africans

Child Online Africa, a pan-African NGO based in Ghana is calling for relevant educational system for Africans especially children. In a statement to celebrate Africa Day, the group said it recognizes “the extraordinary potential and rich diversity of the children and young people of our continent.” The organisation said the theme for this year, “Educate an African Fit for the… Read More
Africa Ghana West Africa World 

Statement: The Rights Of The Child In The Virtual Environment

As children increasingly navigate the online world, it is imperative that we address these concerns related to safeguarding their well-being, privacy, and future opportunities. The General Comment No.25 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the General Comment No.7 of Article 27 of ACRWC, revised ITU framework and the Malabo Convention provide a framework for African countries to… Read More
Africa Ghana West Africa World 

Child Online Africa welcomes Fulbright Specialist Awardee

The Child Online Africa group based in Ghana has welcomed Frederick Lane, Esq. of New York for an exchange program. The organisation’s executive director, Awo Aidam Amenyah welcomed Mr. Lane to Accra. Frederick Lane is a Fulbright Specialist Program awardee who will complete a project at Child Online Africa aimed at establishing partnerships benefiting participants, institutions, and communities both in… Read More
Africa Featured World 

7 Empowering steps to make the internet better

7th February is 20th year of Safer Internet Day (SID). The Centre in Ghana and partners across the globe have undertaken a series of initiatives to make the internet a better place for people across Africa, especially children and young people. Child Online Africa has partnered with some public sector agencies, private sector, Unions and non-governmental organizations across Ghana and… Read More
Africa Featured World 

Africa Safer Internet Day for 2023 launched

The 2023 Africa Safer Internet day commemoration has been launched officially by its conveners. The virtual launch on Wednesday brought together several players in the digital sector. Series of activities have now been lined up by conveners to create the needed awareness about safer internet for users especially children. This year’s commemoration will take place on Tuesday, February 7, 2023… Read More
Africa Featured World 

Child Online Africa calls for an online safety lifestyle

– – Child Online Africa, a child advocacy organisation is calling for the adoption of online safety as a lifestyle. In a statement to commemorate #NiceNetNovember, the group said such a posture will better protect users of the internet. Since November 2015, Child Online Africa has been holding awareness and education campaign from the 1st of November through to the… Read More
Africa Featured World 

Child Online Africa launches ‘Bada Labari’ Campaign

– – The child advocacy organization, Child Online Africa has announced the launch of its latest campaign dubbed ‘Ba da Labari’ – the Hausa word for storytelling. In a statement the group said the campaign is “part of its advocacy strategy to structure communication about its subject matter interest that generates attention.” The organization said it wants to tell stories… Read More
Africa World 

Africa Safer Internet Day for 2022 launched

– – The 2022 commemoration of the Africa Safer Internet has been launched with several activities expected to take place in Ghana, South Africa, Sierra Leone, Kenya, Zambia and Nigeria. According to conveners of the annual event, on Safer Internet Day, millions of people join forces “Together for a better internet” to inspire positive change online, raise awareness of online… Read More
Africa Featured West Africa World 

Africa’s digital leaders empowered on online habits

– – Young people who participated in the 2021 edition of the Africa Digital Leaders Programme have been empowered on the best habits to exhibit while online. The Africa Digital Leaders Programme, initiated by the Child Online Africa is a hybrid fellowship programme targeting young leaders between the ages 8-16year old. It is aimed at building the skills and capacity… Read More
Africa Featured World 

Child Online Africa founder receives philanthropy award

– – Ghanaian Child rights advocates, Awo Aidam Amenyah has been recognized for her works in advancing the protection of the rights of children. The founder of Child Online Africa, a pan-African non-profit organization has for over a decade now been fighting for the safety of children online. At Ghana’s national philanthropy awards event in the capital Accra, Amenyah and… Read More