Protect the medicines Health Advice Science 

Protect the medicines that protect us

SHOBHA SHUKLA – CNS Protect the medicines that protect us and ensure that all those who need them can access them, so said Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the Director General of The World Health Organization (WHO), at the Strategic Roundtable on “Charting a new path forward for global action against antimicrobial resistance (AMR)” held recently during the 77th World Health… Read More
Africa Science Technology World 

The African Edtech solutions empowering tomorrows future leaders

– – The COVID-19 crisis has irrevocably changed education. At the outset of the pandemic, 180+ countries mandated temporary school closures, leaving about 1.6 billion children and youth out of school and affecting approximately 85% of children world-wide. All countries were able to deploy remote learning technologies using a combination of TV, radio, online and mobile platforms. Currently, most countries… Read More
Lifestyle Science 

Science must guide India, UK: Stoking vaccine nationalism will fail us all

Bobby Ramakant – CNS Right before Gandhi ji’s birth anniversary, government of India announced its reciprocal policy for UK nationals arriving in India to undergo mandatory quarantine for 10 days after their arrival (regardless of their vaccination status). Earlier, UK had announced its travel policy that Indians, regardless of their vaccination status, will have to undergo the mandatory quarantine for… Read More
Health Advice Science 

COVID-19 is Real: Follow the Science Not the Superstition

At a time like this, people tend to be gullible and to believe whatever they are told or whatever hear. There is so much misinformation. In fact, the virus of misinformation is deadly, more deadly than the pandemic itself. That is why it is important to provide sound education and awareness programs that could enable individuals make responsible decisions, and… Read More
Africa Health Advice Science 

Bill Gates: How to respond to COVID-19

In any crisis, leaders have two equally important responsibilities: solve the immediate problem and keep it from happening again. The COVID-19 pandemic is an excellent case in point. The world needs to save lives now while also improving the way we respond to outbreaks in general. The first point is more pressing, but the second has crucial long-term consequences. The… Read More
Africa Science Technology 

COVID-19 and Common-sense Religion

There is a new religion, a new world religion. This religion has suddenly taken over from various religions. This new religion is an umbrella religion that encapsulates others-African traditional religion, Hinduism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and Bahai. Even the non-religious outlooks subsists under its shade and cover. The new religion has members of these religious faiths as followers and adherents. It… Read More
Malawi Science 

AfAW condemns lynching of alleged witch in Malawi

The Advocacy for Alleged Witches (AfAW) condemns the lynching of an elderly man for witchcraft in Malawi today. According to a local source, this unfortunate incident took place in Zolozolo in Mzuzu. Mzuzu is the headquarters of the Northern region. A photo of the incident that is being circulated on the social media shows a young man torching the body… Read More
Opinions Science 

Who is Afraid of Witches on Campuses?

On January 30 2020, University of Ibadan Campus Humanists and Freethinkers held a talk on the theme: Who is afraid of witches on campuses? The venue of the event was the Tedder Hall Cafetaria. Students from Law, Political Science, Philosophy and Education faculties attended the program. The Advocacy for Alleged Witches(AfAW) organized the talk in response to the growing fears… Read More
North Africa Science 

Moroccan Agriculture and Rural Development

By Dr. Yossef Ben-Meir Marrakech In recent years, Morocco has put in place the right frameworks for mobilizing rural communities to advance the nation’s sustainable development goals, yet it falls woefully short when it comes to implementation. As someone who has been engaged in rural development in Morocco for the past 26 years, I have analyzed how these frameworks can… Read More
Lifestyle Science 

Atheism and Family Persecution: A Case from Central Nigeria

While there has been an overwhelming emphasis on the pervasiveness of religiosity and god belief in Nigeria, little attention has been paid to the plight of non religious people; especially those who disbelieve in God like atheists. There is limited information on the oppression and persecution of atheists and the fact that such persecutions are linked to the invisibility of… Read More