Lawsuit seeks proof of CIA meddling in Mandela’s arrest

An American student lodged a lawsuit against the CIA on Wednesday in an attempt to secure documents that purportedly show the intelligence agency was complicit in Nelson Mandela's arrest. Former president Mandela, who died last month aged 95, was detained in 1962, convicted in the Rivonia Trial and incarcerated for decades under apartheid rulers. Read More

Moral Mondays Come to Atlanta, Georgia : Africa can learn !!!

ATLANTA - The Moral Monday protests that began in North Carolina in 2012 in response to extreme right-wing policies are spreading to Georgia. Over the past year, droves of activists in North Carolina have descended on the state legislature building to demand that lawmakers reverse some of their more brutal policies such as cutting unemployment benefits, refusing to expand Medicaid,... Read More

12 Dead in Shooting at Washington Naval Base

September 16, 2013   A lone gunman shot dead 12 people and wounded dozens of others before being killed by police Monday at a U.S. Naval facility in Washington, DC. Police identify the gunman as a former military contractor . They say it is not clear how he got access to the U.S. Navy Yard without proper identification or what… Read More

Failure is not an option

By: Jennifer Fierberg For the next two weeks numerous NGO’s, world government leaders and other groups will convene on the United Nations to negotiate the Arms Trade Treaty that failed to be reached in July 2012.This treaty has been in the making for six years. The goal of this treaty is to create a level playing field for international arms… Read More

Opposition still under attack In Rwanda

 By: Jennifer Fierberg In the wise and profound words of Winston Churchill: “You see these dictators on their pedestals, surrounded by the bayonets of their soldiers and the truncheons of their police ... yet in their hearts there is unspoken fear. They are afraid of words and thoughts: words spoken abroad, thoughts stirring at home -- all the more powerful... Read More

Bring President Kagame to the International Criminal Court!

By Jennifer Fierberg, MSW Over the last two months the Government of Rwanda has faced some of the hardest financial and public relation challenges since the 1994 Genocide. The UN Group of Experts has found unequivocal evidence that Paul Kagame is providing weapons, soldiers; communication equipment and ammunition to a rebel group in the DR Congo called the M23. This… Read More

Sri Lanka War Crimes Against Tamils: Oregon Journalist Will Give Key Note Address at FeTNA in Baltimore

BALTIMORE - A key note address will be delivered at the FeTNA (Federation of Tamil Sangams of North America) conference in Baltimore, Md. on July 6th and 7th. (, by's Executive News Editor, Tim King. . Read More

US Voices Concern over Crackdown on Demonstrators in Sudan

ATLANTA--In a press Statement, The United States says it  is deeply concerned by the crackdown by the Sudanese authorities on peaceful demonstrators in Khartoum over the last three days. The US has  called on the Government of Sudan to respect the right of its citizens to freedoms of expression and peaceful assembly in order to raise their grievances. . Read More