Africa Business World 

How can Bangladesh be a suitable destination for profitable Bitcoin Activities?

– – The cryptocurrency and blockchain industry is still in its early stages of development. This means that there are many opportunities for countries to attract businesses and investors in this space. Bangladesh has the potential to be a very attractive destination for Bitcoin-related businesses and activities. The bitcoin profit is one of the best platforms for increasing BTC profit.… Read More
Africa World 

Pitfalls in Online Gambling to Avoid

– – Everyone makes mistakes—some more than others. While to err is to be human, even the most minor error or oversight can result in frayed nerves, more money, and a ruined day when gambling over the World Wide Web. Unfortunately, even seasoned bettors will slip on occasion. But the good news is that many others before you have already… Read More
Africa Featured World 

Over 25,000 children gone missing in Africa

– – Some 25,000 children are estimated to be missing in Africa, according to the International Committee of the Red Cross. The organisation made the announcement as a poignant reminder on the International Day of the Disappeared. The figure represents 40% of the total number of missing people on the continent. The ICRC has expressed concern that the disappearance of… Read More
Africa Business World 

Women in Innovation: Unleashing opportunities to change the world

– – The global Covid-19 pandemic saw the exponential growth of many innovative solutions, especially in Africa. According to the Rose Review 2022 report, more women than ever are starting new businesses. Over 140,000 all-female-founded companies were created last year, and this figure is growing by over a third each year1. South Africa moved up two places on the Women… Read More
Africa World 

Importance of Protecting Yourself Against Hackers

– – It seems like every day we hear about another company that has been hacked. The Target breach, the Sony hack, and the Ashley Madison leak are just a few examples of high-profile hacks that made the news. If you’re like most people, you probably think that those kinds of things could never happen to your business. But the… Read More
Africa Business World 

Impact of G7’s multi-billion dollar plan on Africa’s infrastructure gap

– – In late June 2022, it was announced at the G7 Summit in Germany that a USD 600 billion lending initiative, the Partnership for Global Infrastructure Initiative (PGII), would be launched to fund infrastructure projects in the developing world, with a particular focus on Africa. The G7 countries – Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom (UK) and the… Read More
Africa Business World 

Infocus brings back Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage masterclass

– – Infocus International Group is bringing back the highly recommended Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage (CCUS) online masterclass and it will be commencing live on the 31st October 2022 and 17th January 2023. This course is intended for those in business, commercial and strategically focused roles within the energy sector; in particular those responsible for environmental matters, business sustainability… Read More
Africa Business World 

Understanding currency pair sentiment

– – An important aspect of any profitable approach for trading foreign exchange is having an understanding of the impact that sentiment has on the values of currency pairs. If you are able to understand these sentiments through the quantified tools and resources that are available to forex traders, then you will be able leverage this sentiment in a timely… Read More
Africa World 

Opinion: We can end child labour in Africa. Here’s how

– – With 92 million girls and boys in child labour — one in five children — Africa is the most-affected region in the world. Eliminating child labour worldwide will not be achieved without a breakthrough here. This is not justifiable. Children have the right not to work. Children trapped in child labour today are the unskilled labour force of… Read More
Africa Russia World 

UN Ban On Russia: How African Nations Voted

– – African nations were divided during Thursday’s vote to suspend Russia from the United Nations‘ human rights council over allegations of gross human rights violations in Ukraine, brushing aside Moscow’s warning that it would view such a decision as an unfriendly act. Russia had warned countries at the UN that a yes vote or abstention on a U.S. push to… Read More