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REVEALED: What John Magufuli did before taking his last breath

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Days after his death was made public, details are emerging about what Former President of Tanzania John Magufuli did before taking his last breath.

He led prayers with doctors and his care givers at the hospital before he took his last breath.

These details were revealed by family spokesperson, Ngusa Samike over the weekend.

The late president, according to the government died of heart attack at a local hospital in Dar es Salaam.

Magufuli was however reported to have contracted Covid-19 and was not seen in public for weeks.

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His death attracted a lot of global attention due to his handling of the Coronavirus pandemic, after refusing to admit its existence.

Magufuli encouraged prayers instead of adopting health protocols and vaccines after describing the virus evil.

Many of his critics say his actions led to many deaths from the virus in Tanzania.

His family spokesperson said the late Magufuli received the ‘anointing of the sick’ sacrament and dua in the presence of religious leaders in Tanzania.

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Those present for that final prayer were former Dar es Salaam Archbishop, Polycarp Cardinal Pengo, St. Peter’s Church Parish Priest Father Alister Makubi, and Tanzania’s Chief Sheikh, Abubakar Zubeir.

Magufuli was very religious and often attended Sunday prayers at St. Peter’s Catholic Church whenever he was in Dar es Salaam.

He is to be buried in his hometown of Chato this week, as the nation mourns him for a period of 21 days.

Tanzania’s new president calls for unity after Magufuli’s death


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