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The Paradoxical Nature Of Year 2020 – A Mixture Of Blessings And Misery, What Is The Fate Of Nigerian Students? By Jeremiah Abutu

The prejudice against human race by some invisible living creatures is a story of both hope and despair. What comes behind a stormy cloud with furious lightening is seemingly predictable but a queer snowfall in summer that taint the sky with light white flakes, in selfishness can often cause frightful chaos.

The beginning of year 2020 was like a rose blooming in its splendor, in an endless array! To so many, the birth of the year was a treasure they had long desired to soar and reach new height in career, education and relationship. A year to take a bite out of their numerous plans and start something new; but just when men thought it was safe to sow the seed of their ideas, alas, the infallible hands of fate came out of the blue and thwarted the plans of men. Over the years, there have been several clamors by some invisible creatures – calling for the extinction of humanity. Somehow, our freedom was taken away from us, our ego was bruised by their activities and our highly esteemed culture was perverted by the sour upshot of these creatures. Many ‘killer diseases’ had posed great threat to humanity since 1915, but none in their cruelty ravaged the world and plighted to devour humanity more than the “Spanish flu” which spanned from the spring of 1918 to the summer of 1919 and the modern day “corona virus,” but sometimes, it is good for men to be dressed in frailty so that God can be glorified.

The wisdom a man needs to survive in the world is to be acquired in the world but what happens when the bosom of the world becomes a threat – unfit for living? The fate that awaits many students after the scum poured into the world by some invisible enemies (virus) is comforting but also dreadful. Students who must succeed in the rear of this warfare must like a chameleon adapt quickly to the nature of this season. Like children of Issachar, they must “have understanding of time” to know what to do at the end of this pandemic. The kisses of fate refresh a few people but easily detest others. Fate is the fabric of the world with different corridors and while those who are fortunate to reckon with its kindness, perhaps because of their merit or disposition admire its lenity, others who fell among its thorns abhor it. All men can lure rays of light to their sunset sky if they have the right attitude to do so. In truth, what many believed to be fate isn’t really fate but mere show of their own vanity. Fate is a system that favors the prudent. Even the brightest of students can be taint with failure if he is not diligent.

Students must be ambitious to shine in everything good this season. They should be eager to make the best use of this moment to build an enduring career. A garden can only smell of roses when they are rose flowers in the garden. Those who can take the pain to sow the seed of great career will come out smelling of career success after this moment. It is not sufficient to desire a great career – you must build it. The birth of covid-19, to the sages is a new epoch which shall usher in greatness to their career. It is a chance to establish and sustain a great career. The mastery of some career skills takes time. This season is in truth a “blessing in disguise.” A time to conceive, give birth to great career skills and watch them grow. The vanquish of covid-19 will surely bring forth stories of students who will do great exploits in music, drama, prose, art, IT, writing, architecture, engineering, agriculture, and other meaningful career.

Some people are more inspired to succeed in affliction than comfort. The fate of students in education after now is blurred, yet predictable. The reality of what befalls many students after this storm isn’t going to be wholly hinged on fate. The rage of pressure that’ll be mounted on students in the rear of covid-19 would come as a painful worm to many; but just as some students can create a hopeless tale out of anything, others would make a silver lining out of this season too. Students who are able to brace themselves properly in the heat of this moment will come out basking in glory.

On a final note, covid-19 is indeed an opportunity for self-discovery to those who are prudent. Students must learn not to look at the eclipse caused by the intricate of this moment but the splendor that’ll branch out from it. They must learn to shield themselves against indolence and procrastination, acquire skills relevant to their chosen career and learn not to waste time on frivolities. The fate of Nigerian students in education, career, campus lifestyle and relationship after this storm is bright but they must constantly learn to be purposeful, and as they journey through the unsung wave of this moment, they must learn to be unwavering, never to dim their light and always work to keep the end in view. 

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