Ministry of Health and Ministry of Youth and Sports encourages Mauritains to swim to keep fit

Both Ministries say that Mauritians should take up swimming regularly to stay fit and healthy and ultimately relish a better quality of life overall.

The offices of the Ministry of Health and Quality of Life in Port Louis and the Health Minister, Lormus Bundoo, expressed that around half of the Mauritian population are not well –versed in swimming and that only just over 10 per cent of women and 23 per cent of men undertake sufficient physical activity. Minister Bundoo explained that even amongst the youth, only 32.7% are physically enthusiastic on a consistent basis. According to the 
Minister, 80% of the disease affliction in the country is largely due to NCD (Non-Communicable Diseases) as well. With physical inactivity being a high risk factor for global mortality. Physical activities like swimming would be beneficial to Mauritians he iterated in a statement to journalists.

“ It is an ‘exercise par excellence’ as it helps to uphold good blood pressure levels, well-being of the heart and lungs, good cholesterol, flexibility of joints and muscles of the body and builds endurance and cardiovascular health”, he said.

In addition, Minister of Youth and Sports, Satyaprakash Ritoo also expressed his trepidation on Mauritians leading a sedentary lifestyle.“Swimming is an extremely important exercise and the only discipline which provides for a complete human development and keeps one in good health”.

Minister Ritto also invited all Mauritians to participate info the abundant health benefits to be come from swimming speaking at a press conference on health issues on the island in Port Louis.

Conversely, social commentators in the Mauritian media have criticized the government in the past because of a lack of funding provided to sports activities, also citing that the sports programs for youth is minimal and needs more private sector involvement to keep people fit.

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