I dream of an Africa which is in peace with itself ~Nelson Mandela


rncfduBy Jennifer Fierberg

Over recent months the opposition parties of the ruling regime in Rwanda have taken on the challenge of what are the next steps for them in order to serve the people of Rwanda in the best way possible. Some groups have chosen to face the odds and return to Rwanda despite the many politicians who remain imprisoned inside the country because they dared to speak up for democracy yet found themselves on the opposite side of false and trumped up charges in order to silence them. Other groups choose to remain outside the country for their own safety and the safety of their members until such a time as it is safe to return. Sadly, under the current ruling dictatorial system that time is yet to be determined.

Two such groups have come together as one in order to work together to challenge Kagame’s regime with the support of a large group of supporters. The FDU-INKINGI and the RNC released a press statement today stating they attended a conference in Oslo to prepare for a larger meeting of the African Great Lakes Region in September of 2013. This larger conference will seek to determine what the needs of the Great Lakes Region in order to obtain and maintain peace for the entire region.


Oslo, 20 April 2013

FDU-INKINGI AND RNC attended a regional preparatory meeting in Oslo.

Today, 20 April 2013 in Oslo (Norway) together with people from the African Great Lakes region (Rwanda, Burundi, Congo, South Sudan) and Norwegian friends, members of the platform FDU-INKINGI and Rwanda National Congress (RNC) attended a preparatory conference on the African Great Lakes sub-region.

Our delegation comprises Jonathan Musonera (Head of Mobilisation, RNC) and Sixbert Musangamfura (External relations commissioner, FDU-INKINGI).

The overall objective of this preparatory process is to provide guidance and to facilitate consultations in order to ensure the coordination of a conference on the African great lakes sub-region that will take place in Oslo in September 2013 bringing together people from the region, members of civil and political organisations, researchers, members of Norwegian local or international organisations. The conference will address key issues of human rights and lasting solution in the Eastern DRC and Rwanda.

On behalf of the platform FDU-INKINGI / RNC we express our deep gratitude to local partners, organisers and Norwegian international organisations.


Jonathan Musonera

Head of Mobilisation

Rwanda National Congress


Sixbert Musangamfura

External Relations Commissioner


Most political analysts of the region will agree that this is a good step to opening dialogue across all parties and civil society members. For peace in the region to be realized all affected parties must have a voice in the process.


**journalist note: I realize there are two separate groups for the FDU-INKINGI..I am simply reporting on the one who sent me the press release and not speaking for the other side.


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