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Why South Africa is a very violent country

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Latest statistics in South Africa showed a very worrying trend of a surge in crime rates, with officials describing the country as very violent.

According to the police, murder cases had increased by almost 21% this year when compared to the same period last year.

When it came to sexual violence, 10,000 people were raped in the three months – amounting to four rapes an hour. That is a 7% rise from last year.

Police Minister Bheki Cele who presented the statistics at a media briefing said the rape of 10,000 people in three months in South Africa is a “deeply disturbing disgrace”.

According to him the latest crime statistics are “as alarming as the previous quarter’s figures”.

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“In the three months of reporting, a 20.7% increase in murder. When compared with the same period in 2019, the percentage change would have been 13.2% increase,” Cele said.

He said “robbery, residential and non-residential robberies recorded a decrease of 6.7% and 1.4%”.

Cele said that the data for the period between July and September this year shows that South Africa is “a very violent country”.

The South African police said the consumption of alcohol played a role in at least 290 murders. In rapes, 1383 cases involved the use and abuse of alcohol.

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“More can, must and will be done to ensure that South Africans are safe and feel safe”, Mr Cele said.

But he added that while the figures were still bad there were signs that things were improving.


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