Gothenburg, Sweden, 2012/04/07

Our ref: RPP/01/18ARG/R01/2105/JVK/07A12-GS


Fellow Rwandan and friends of Rwanda today is 18 years since the 1994 genocide that visited our country and people.

This is not a week for a political statement but for the Rwandan people to display unreservedly their unified strong stand in denouncing the grim horror of the 90 days of relentless and inexorable attacks and assaults that was inflicted on our country and people. One million people, all innocent, the defenseless and downtrodden were brutally murdered by the government that was supposed to protect them.

As a party, we wish to affirm our position on this genocide as follows:

Today, we join millions of Rwandan people at home and in the diaspora and friends of Rwanda all over the world, especially the genocide survivors during this sad week in remembrance of the 18th anniversary of the infamous genocide committed against Tutsi people by a cruel and fascist regime.

We affirm our position, which is that the cold blooded murder of our people and the loved ones they left behind shall always be remembered and is permanently ingrained in the collective conscience of the Rwandan people and of the entire civilised world.

We take note and acknowledge that many moderate Hutus civilians who were trying to protect their Tutsi neighbours were also victims and we deeply feel their pain and sorrow during this week.

The genocide of 1994 should be a lesson for each and every Rwandan to learn from in order to ensure that it will never and never happen again in Rwanda or elsewhere in the world.

Thanks you

John V Karuranga, President

Rwanda People’s Party

FB: Rwanda Peoples Party


Email: rppimvura@yahoo.com

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