Raul Castro Ex-Presidents Leaders OP-ED 

Fidel’s enduring lesson is that, yes, it is possible

Remarks by Army General Raúl Castro Ruz, First Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba Central Committee, and President of the Councils of State and Ministers, during the political posthumous tribute to Comandante en Jefe of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro Ruz December 4, 2016 11:12:26 Esteemed Heads of State and Government; Outstanding figures; Compatriots here today in representation of… Read More
Fidel Castro Leaders OP-ED 


From standing up for African liberation to fighting against western imperialism, Fidel Castro is to Africa what Saints are to the Catholic Church. For many in the west, especially the United States of America, Fidel Castro, the former President of Cuba who passed way this weekend at the tender age of 90, is a tyrant in the league of Adolf… Read More
Nelson Mandela Ex-Presidents 

Mandela and Fidel: What is not being said

THE death of Nelson Mandela has precipitated a torrent of interpretations on his life and work, all of which present him as a disciple of pacifism and a kind of Mother Teresa of South Africa. This is an essentially incorrect, and premeditated, image, promoted to obscure the fact that after the Sharpeville massacre in 1960, the African National Congress (ANC)... Read More

The US Blockade against Cuba is Aggressively Extraterritorial and a Violation of International Law

Genesis of the U.S. Blockade against Cuba On January 1st, 1959, the revolutionary struggle against the Cuban dictatorial regime ended victoriously. The revolutionary movement lead by Fidel Castro acceded to power. The measures adopted by the Revolutionary Government to recover the Cuban wealth and destine it to the people constituted a mortal blow to the interests of the biggest North... Read More