AU Missing in action as millions starve in the horn of africa
African leaders condemn the West reacting promptly, but the hated ‘West’ is helping at own cost. Where are the leaders of Africa, where is our ‘best’ friend’, China? Did African presidents attend the summit, did they open the purse?
Our Namibian president went to Gobabis, not to Addis Ababa. The gathering at Gobabis was more important to him than all the millions of starving Africans in Somalia. Shame on the leaders of Africa who stayed at home or in Gobabis!
Ridiculous as it is to say “Africa is able to solve its own problems,” we make ^@#&* of ourselves if we pretend to believe the statement. If Africa is as impotent as ever, then Africa is lying and deceiving herself.
Shame on all of us! Our presidents get filthy rich; some of them belong to the club of billionaires but their people are so extremely poor, so much so that they have to seek their daily bread from dumping sites. Guess what; in Somalia you will not even find dumping sites any longer, there is nothing left.
Somalia is crying; mothers are weeping over their dead children and now the crying mothers are about to die too because of the ghastly indifference of Africa’s leaders. How much did our own government give at that summit? No, it is not comprehensible that only 4 out of 54 presidents attended the summit on African hunger and effects of famine in the Horn of Africa.
We Africans, we are losers! We cannot hide that shameful fact any longer! So, hang down your head, Africa, it’s all you can do.
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