Arms Embargo on Rwanda is of Paramount Necessity
Mandatory United Nations Security Council arms embargo on Rwanda is of paramount necessity.
A general and complete UNSC arms embargo on all deliveries of weapons and military equipment to Rwanda is the ideal remedy to save millions of innocent civilians in Rwanda, DRC and Rwandan’s neighboring countries. A mandatory arms embargo on Rwanda is the only viable alternative to coerce Rwanda to change its behavior in the interest of international peace, security and deter General Paul Kagame’s acts of aggression on Congo.
First, Rwanda has terrorized Congo for close to two decades. The United Nations Mapping report confirmed that Paul Kagame and his army have committed horrific war crimes, crimes against humanity and possibly genocide in Congo ( Kagame killed a record 6 million people in Congo). Paul Kagame trains, arms and commands M23 “rebels” in Congo. General Kagame through his M23 “rebels” has caused unimaginable suffering and horrible death of civilians – the worst tragedy ever – in Africa.
Second, General Paul Kagame announced his intention and military capacity to destabilize Tanzania – an icon and “island” of stability and peace in an otherwise volatile region characterized by civil and/or ethnic wars and crimes of international concern. It is alleged that Gen. Kagame deployed about 300 well trained and equipped assassins to Tanzania for the sole purpose of destabilizing and terrorizing Tanzania. Kagame has promised to “hit” (assassinate) President Kikwete of Tanzania. This threat is real; Kagame has so far assassinated four sitting Presidents ( Ndadaye of Burundi ( R.I.P), President Kabila Desire of Congo (R.I.P) , President Habyarimana of Rwanda (R.I.P) and President Ntaryamira of Burundi (R.I.P).
Third, Kagame had assassinated innumerable Rwandan refugees in Uganda, Kenya, Congo, Tanzania, Burundi, Mozambique, Zambia, and South Africa among other African nations. The United Kingdom and Swedish police issued warnings over threats of Kagame’s assassins to the Rwandan refugees living in United Kingdom and Sweden. A South African Court is trying an “attempted murder” case of a former Rwandan Military General who fled Kagame’s government. All the suspects are Rwanda’s military operatives.
Four, Kagame’s army is fighting, injuring and killing UN Peacekeepers in North Kivu.
There is compelling evidence that Rwanda under General Paul Kagame poses very serious threat to international peace. Rwanda has breached international peace and Rwanda has committed acts of aggression against a sovereign nation, DRC. The United Nations Security council should impose general and complete mandatory arms embargo on Rwanda under Chapter V11 Article 41 of the United Nations Charter.
Professor Charles KAMBANDA, Dip.Phil., BA., LLB., MA.ETPM., MBA., MA.HRTs., LLM, PhD is a Public Policy Analyst and International Human Rights Lawyer and law professor at St. John’s University Law School, LLM Center, New York, US. Professor Kambanda, a former member of Kagame’s ruling Rwandan Patriotic Front party, is also involved in research on Rwanda’s ongoing social and political conflict. He can be reached at
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