Swaziland TourismEswatini Southern Africa Tourism 

48 Hours in Swaziland

Swaziland Tourism
Sublime handicrafts, stunning landscapes of mountains and valleys, forests and plains; plus wildlife reserves across the country, that are home to The Big Five – plenty to keep busy for 48 hours!

Sublime handicrafts, stunning landscapes of mountains and valleys, forests and plains; plus wildlife reserves across the country, that are home to The Big Five – plenty to keep busy for 48 hours!

As one of the few remaining Monarchies in Africa, culture and heritage are deeply engrained in all aspects of Swazi life, ensuring an unforgettable experience for all who visit.

Ezulwini Valley
This is where most of Swaziland’s tourism infrastructure is concentrated. A lush valley filled with flowering jacarandas and bright orange flame trees. Beyond the beautiful woodland scenery, the Valley of Heaven (as Ezulwini translates in English) is home to some excellent places to spend the night in the countryside and also the country’s best handicraft shopping.

Lobamba Village
Lobamba village is the seat of the Swazi monarchy. The royal Embo State Palace was built in grand proportions by the British to house the entire Swazi royal family at one time. It isn’t always open to the public, however, and photos are not allowed. If you want to get a feel for Swaziland’s history, you can head to the National Museum near the Parliament building in Lobamba.

Eco Arts and Crafts
Swaziland is home to Ngwenya Glass; a business that creates stunning products for the home using 100% recycled glass as their raw material, disused engine and cooking oil to fuel their furnaces and old newspapers to shape and pack the glass. Building upon Swaziland’s indisputable reputation for arts and crafts, Ngwenya Glass is a must-see experience.

Mlilwane Wildlife Sanctuary
Spend your last 24 hours to exploring the nearby Mlilwane Wildlife Sanctuary. One of a number of parks & reserves in Swaziland, it was the Kingdom’s first protected area, created in the 1950s by conservationist Ted Reilly on his family farm. Milwane is home to baboon, hippo, vervet monkeys, leopards and many more. It is known for its unique safari options, including walking, mountain biking and horseback trips.

It is Swaziland’s variety of attractions within its compact 17,364 km² that is its greatest asset. Just a 4 hour scenic drive from Johannesburg, and 147km from the famous Kruger National Park over the border in South Africa, Swaziland is a great addition to your safari holiday; the best of Africa in one small but perfectly formed country.


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