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Why the world is outraged by the Amazon fires

There has been a global and collective outrage following days of fires in the Amazon rain-forest, posing a threat to the world’s climate.

The Amazon is the largest rainforest in the world. It is a vital carbon store helping to slow down the pace of global warming.

For many around the world the forest is a symbol of a significant source of breathing air for mankind.

Considered the the “lungs of the world” the Amazon is also home to about three million species of plants and animals, and one million indigenous people.

There have been protests over the fires and the implications for mankind. Those outrages have led to a global support and mobilization to save the forest.

Deliberate fires

But local media in Brazil reports that many of the fires are believed to have been started deliberately.

Some farmers likely to benefit by having more available land are said to have sparked the fire.

Brazil’s President Jair Bolsonaro has in the past made comments that seem to suggest he wants the forest cleared for agriculture and mining activities.

Climate experts and campaigners accuse his administration of giving a green light to rainforest destruction.

Protests over fires

Protests have been held in cities across Brazil to demand action to combat the fires. Protesters gathered outside the Brazilian embassies around the world.

There are consideration from some countries to target Brazil’s economy if the government doesn’t do much to stop the fires.

But in a televised address on Friday, Mr Bolsonaro said forest fires “exist in the whole world” and “cannot serve as a pretext for possible international sanctions”.

He has now ordered the armed forces to fight the record forest fires in the Amazon.

What the world can now do is pray that “its lungs” are saved sooner than later.


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