Alzheimers develops usually in people age 65 or older. Although there’s no cure for Alzheimer’s disease, researchers have made progress. Treatments are available that improve the quality of life for some people with Alzheimer’s. Also, more drugs are being studied and scientists have discovered several genes associated with Alzheimer’s, which may lead to new treatments to block progression of this complex disease.

Those with Alzheimer’s as well as those who care for them need support and affection from friends and family to cope.


Most people with Alzheimer’s share certain signs and symptoms of the disease. These may include:

•      Increasing and persistent forgetfulness: At its onset, Alzheimer’s disease is marked by periods of forgetfulness, especially of recent events or simple directions. But what begins as mild forgetfulness persists and worsens. People with Alzheimer’s may repeat things and forget conversations or appointments. They routinely misplace things, often putting them in illogical locations.  They  frequently  forget  names,  and  eventually,  they  may  forget the  names  of family members and everyday objects.

•   Difficulties with abstract thinking: People with Alzheimer’s may initially have trouble balancing


their check book, a problem that progresses to trouble recognizing and dealing with numbers.

•   Difficulty finding the right word: It may be a challenge for those with Alzheimer’s to find the right words to express thoughts or even follow conversations. Eventually, reading and writing also are affected.

•    Disorientation. People with Alzheimers often lose their sense of time and date and may find themselves lost in familiar surroundings.

A healthcare initiative by AsiaMed Connect in partnership with Apollo Hospitals Group– For free online medical consultation, send your queries to consultationamc@gmail.com

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