
SADC  Rejects  Zimbabwe’s  ZANU PF proposals to avoid Fresh Elections

GABORONE BOTSWANA  (MaraviPost): IT’S now not raining for ZANU PF but pouring as SADC pushed back on ZANUPF proposals with even tougher propositions as submitted by the SADC Secretariat to ZANU PF at the end of the meeting today here in GABORONE BOTSWANA , our Sources within SADC say.

The ZANU PF delegation sent by President Emmerson Mnangagwa had one main proposal. They wanted to lobby for SADC to facilitate a Government of National Unity GNU with Nelson Chamisa to avoid Fresh Elections to be held in Zimbabwe on June 30 ,2024.

“The SADC Secretariat did push back on that GNU proposal by ZANU PF. A GNU does not cure the Zimbabwe Electoral process which fell short of the Revised SADC Guidelines and Principles of a democratic election. However, there is a window, and that window is the Opposition Leader Nelson Chamisa. Should there be an agreement in Zimbabwe to move forward with a GNU and everyone is happy  SADC will be happy as well”, our Sources within SADC say.

The SADC Secretariat made a few submissions to the ZANU PF delegation which were1): SADC has not changed its position on Zimbabwe Elections and on its SEOM report on Zimbabwe Elections. 

2):The Zimbabwe Government should take steps to correct the illegitimacy in HARARE by cooperating with  SADC in its due processes and protocols.

3): Zimbabwe will be excluded from various key SADC processes until the illegitimacy in HARARE is resolved.

4): ZANU PF should ensure they stop escalating the tense situation in Zimbabwe political impasse but take steps to correct political crisis.

5): Its important and key for SADC to have a Zimbabwe that works. It is also good for the People of Zimbabwe. Therefore, the ZANU PF Government should not focus on themselves but the generality of the People of Zimbabwe.

6): SADC will very soon on January 10th will be announcing a set of Sanctions against Zimbabwe to ensure  the Member State complies with SADC Guidelines and Principles as enshrined in the SADC treaty of which Zimbabwe as a Member State is signatory to it.

” Don’t listen to the Prophets of doom who tell you that SADC will let Mnangagwa and ZANU PF walk away off the hook.  It is not true.  Of course, ZANU PF and Mnangagwa do not like the People of Zimbabwe to know the power SADC has. SADC is the regional block. Zimbabwe is a Member State. Zimbabwe is not bigger than SADC. SADC cannot let Zimbabwe walk away with serious infringement on the SADC Guidelines and Principles governing all 16 SADC Member States”, an African THINKTANK says.


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