Entertainment Lifestyle 

Our relationship with Savage Music, Awoodah merely cordial –Don Crucifixto Entertainment

The management of Don Crucifixto Entertainment, a United States based Entertainment company which is gradually making waves in the entertainment industry, has announced that her operations and corporate decisions are not influenced by any other organisation and in no way or manner is it conjoined in formation or administration with any other establishment.

According to the Founder and C.E.O of Don Crucifixto Entertainment,Tumi Oluyole also known as Don Crucifixto, the vision of the brand is to ensure that the entertainment industry is rightly represented and also plans to unveil partnership with organisations that share same objectives.

“Our vision remains to be a global brand that seeks to continually strive towards ensuring that the entertainment industry is rightly represented. We look forward and can’t wait to announce various partnership with organisations that share and have the same values as we do, and we will continue to positively impact our community as always,” he said.

He further explained that their company’s relationship with establishments like Savage Music and Awoodah Publishing are merely cordial.

“Our relationship with Savage Music and Awoodah Publishing are merely cordial and by no means do they have any kind of influence on the operations or running of Don Crucifixto Entertainment. “We appreciate all the hard work of staff, volunteers, artistes, directors, producers and most importantly our worldwide unrelenting fan base that has contributed to the visibility and growth of Don Crucifixto Entertainment globally,” he stated




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Sourced From Nigerian Music

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