Site icon Africa Global Village | SA singer Elaine nominated for a 2021 BET Award



Photo: Supplied/Apple Music

South African singer Elaine has been nominated for a BET Award.

The 21-year-old will go up against six other artists in Viewer’s Choice: Best New International Act category. The nominees are: Arlo Parks (UK), Bramisto (France), Bree Runway (UK), MC Dricka (Brazil), Ronisia (France) and Tems (Nigeria).

The Risky singer shared the news on Instagram writing: “Patience is virtue, the heart works best when humble & God is faithful. Wouldn’t be here without my shining stars. Love you guys.”


“The Viewer’s Choice: Best New International Act category was created to award breakthrough talent and emerging voices in music from around the world,” said Monde Twala, SVP of BET International. “We’re thrilled to honour this year’s exceptional nominees on the global ‘BET Awards’ platform.”

Voting for the Viewer’s Choice: Best New International Act will run from 7 June at 16:00 (CAT) to 11 June at 16:00 (CAT).

The BET Awards 2021 will air live, Monday 28 June on BET Africa (DStv 129) at 02:00 CAT. With a repeat at 19:00.

See the full list of nominees here.

READ MORE | Singer Elaine chats about the success of her debut EP: ‘It’s honest, it’s pure and passionate’

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Sourced From Nigerian Music

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