Africa Sports World 

The Pros and Cons of Different Types of Betting

Are you looking for an exciting way to make money? If so, then betting on sports and other events may be the perfect solution. Betting has become increasingly popular in recent years, with different types of betting available to suit all kinds of interests and budgets. In this article, we’ll look at the pros and cons of each type of… Read More
Africa Sports World 

How many rounds are in a bingo game?

– – Knowing how many rounds in a game of bingo means knowing the rules. Each player in the game buys a scorecard with a selection of random numbers on it. The bingo-caller then calls out the numbers which are drawn by an RNG (random number generator). Each scorecard purchased is different from everyone else’s in the game – visit… Read More
Africa Sports World 

Essential things to do before playing Bingo

– – If you are new to bingo or you have taken an extended period away from the game, you may be surprised to find how much the game has evolved. While bingo halls aren’t a thing of the past, since the introduction of online bingo onto our mobile devices the games popularity has only increased year by year. On… Read More