International Committee for Creating a Peaceful Sublime and Energetic World


The Foulnesses

The foulnesses have been enveloped the entire world when we listen to the media. We always hear disturbing news. Whoredom, burglary, bribe, atrocity and inhumanity are the examples of the foulnesses. We are not happy every time we listen to the media. You see in the media of the different countries that an occurrence happens in a country which is far from manhood. This act decays him to the rank of animals. You should pay attention that the rank of human beings is higher than the rank of animals. Sometimes, they become worse than the rank of animals. At least, when an animal reaches to his passions, it does not want to hurt to the other animals. For example, when a lion eats an animal, the other animals feel the security. A human being is not like this. His passions are extreme and never satisfy him. We must find a practical way that human beings remove the foulnesses in every place of the world.

Sometimes, the foulnesses have been taking the power, and the beneficences have been taking the power the other time. The history has shown that the foulnesses can not prevail in any period for long term. After many years, the beneficences have been prevailed in every place of the world. The king of the universe does not acquiesce to be existed the foulnesses in every place of the world because he loves the beneficences. It indicates that the king of the universe has been trying the beneficences take the power during the history in every place of the world. The foulnesses and the beneficences have been struggling with each other in the history. The result causes the beneficences prevail on the foulnesses. Sometimes, the king of the universe has not wanted the beneficences to prevail on the foulnesses. He has recognized the foulnesses prevail during this period in every place of the world. The king of the universe has removed the foulnesses in every place of the world gradually. The king of the universe has created the world. Therefore, the foulnesses and the beneficences have been originated from the king of the universe.

Human beings commit the foulnesses in every place of the world because they do not know the result of their acts will return to themselves. They do not think that their acts are effective in the universe. The king of the universe knows what they are doing very precisely, but he does not care about their foulnesses. He does not want to stop them from the foulnesses. They do not afraid from anything even though the king of the universe. Thus, they commit the foulnesses very bravely. They do not care about the other human beings because they are very selfish. They think about their benefit, but they do not care about the benefit of the other human beings. We are going to submit a practical way that human beings love to commit the beneficences in every place of the world.

When human beings commit the foulnesses, they have descended from their human positions. That is the reason that we see the world in this circumstance. Human beings have the high rank in front of the king of the universe. Since the first creation, the different religious and sects have invited human beings to the direction of the beneficences until they achieve the high rank of human positions. They have been trying to transfigure human beings from the animal position to the human position, but the majority of human beings could not succeed in this evolution. Human beings are doing the foulnesses because they do not know they are the bad results of the test of the king of the universe. There is an example to clear the situation. You assume that you are in the laboratory, and you want to take one hundred pictures from a sample that it sets on the microscope. The conditions of taking the pictures are the same completely. The development and the print of the pictures are the same completely. We consider these pictures, but one picture only is the perfect one. It is the best picture among the other ones. You do not have any deliberate in your work until one picture becomes good. The other pictures do not have any fault. Thus, in the conditions of the laboratory, only one picture becomes good. Therefore, the foul human beings are the bad results of the test of the king of the universe.

Human beings are living with the various cultures and languages in several zones. The world is like a laboratory. The conditions of the test are the same for the special zone. The general information exists among human beings in going to the foul direction or the beneficent direction. Some human beings choose the foul direction, and the others choose the beneficent direction. It means that some human beings only can succeed from the conditions of the test, and they can become the good persons. We can tell the world is like the farm that the farmer (the king of the universe) plants the seeds (human beings) in every place of the world. The conditions of the vigilance and the consideration of the seeds are the same, but some seeds yield very well, and the others very bad. Certainly, a farmer does not have any enemy with some seeds which they become corrupt. The king of the universe does not also have any enemy with some persons have become foul. They do not have a good answer to the conditions of the test.

Human beings are the harvest of the king of the universe. The foul human beings or the beneficent human beings are the harvest of him in the entire world. As you know, the seed is planted in one season by a farmer. He will wait, and he will reap the harvest in the other season. Therefore, human beings are tested in the entire life, and they can see the result of their acts in the other world. It means that whatever they have done in the world, they can reap in the other world.

When a human being commits the foulness, a veil engenders between the king of the universe and him. The more a human being commits the foulnesses, the more the veils engender between the king of the universe and him. Thus, the possibility of achieving to the right way becomes very difficult. These veils cause to increase the distance between the king of the universe and a human being, and he becomes far from the king of the universe. On the other hand, if there is not any veil between the king of the universe and human beings, they can close to him. They can not bear his power. They live very difficult in the world. Thus, the existence of the veils is a gift from the king of the universe for human beings until they live comfortable. The special human beings can remove the veils by his power completely. The other human beings should remove the veils to reach the king of the universe, but this is impossible to remove the veils completely.

The circumstance of the world

Before submitting a practical way to create a peaceful sublime and energetic world, we must see how we have reached to this circumstance. One of the factors is that human beings do not know what the truth is. They express their idea on the base of their aspects. The aspects are different in human beings. Thus, they think in the different ways. The way of thinking is different from one person to the others. As a result, a clash and an embroilment must exist among human beings. The reason is neither of they can find the truth. Therefore, the different devisal is one of the reasons that human beings have changed the world to this circumstance.

The different devisal causes a clash and an embroilment among human beings. Every human being can realize the world on the base of what he observes the phenomenon. Whatever he thinks about the phenomenon is correct, or is wrong, but he usually insists on his idea which is right. Every one thinks his idea is correct but the truth is another thing. For example, you put an elephant in the dark room. Then, you ask some persons to recognize the object. At first, one of persons looks at the object. The light is off, so he has to touch it. He touches the foot of the elephant and he thinks t he foot is the pile because he can not see anything. He can not find the truth. The truth is the elephant and it is hidden in the dark room. It may another person touches the other place of the object. He says that it is another thing. Thus, all of persons explain the object with the different ways. They are telling their idea on the base of what they touch it. Neither of they know the truth. Now, they explain their idea to each other. Thus, a clash and an embroilment begin among them. A clash and an embroilment exist in every place of the world because the truth is hidden among human beings.

On the other hand, the different devisal must exist among human beings. The different devisal of human beings has been originated from around, or it is congenital. The different devisal is natural among human beings. For example, if you look at a family who has formed by a simple unit, the different devisal exists among them. You can not find a brother, a sister, a father and a mother in a family to have the same idea about the different phenomena. Thus, it is impossible to see the same idea among human beings, and we can not abnegate it. You imagine, if human beings approve and want the same thing, the world will lose the attractiveness. An alteration must exist among human beings. It has redoubled the attractiveness of the world, and it has changed the world broadly. We are going to submit a practical way that human beings can love each other with having different devisal. It does not mean that it should not be existed any different devisal. We must create the unity and fellow-feel among human beings in every place of the world by submitting a practical way. The unity and fellow-feel of human beings is our desire. We should design a practical way that human beings live together without a clash and an embroilment. Human beings should realize when they think about the phenomenon, it may not be the whole story. It may be the part of the story. We should find a practical way that human beings understand the truth, or at least, if they do not understand the truth, they should not bother each other. We are going to submit a practical way that the unity and fellow-feel create among human beings.

The sense of human beings’ avarice is the other factor that human beings have changed the world to this circumstance. It causes to create whoredom, burglary, bribe, atrocity and inhumanity, etc. in every place of the world. The majority of human beings cannot control their avarice. For example, if someone has a position in the society, he would like to improve his position. He only thinks how he can achieve the higher position. He does not pay attention to the other people who work with him. He must try to achieve his goal. Thus, he works very hard until he will achieve his desire. This is not the end of his avarice. After that, he is going to achieve the next higher position. When he achieves the next higher position, he will try for the next one. His avarice continues in the entire his life. He is ready to destroy the other human beings until he achieves his desire. We should submit the practical way to control human beings’ avarice.

On the other hand, if human beings do not have any avarice, they can not go on their life. They sit in the corner, and they do not have any movement. They can not progress in their work. The avarice is always related to our instincts. The human instincts should be moderate. Otherwise, the avarice becomes worse. For example, if human beings do not have any tendency to the contrary kind, the life becomes stagnancy stricken and lay-off. Thus, not only the existence of the human instincts is not bad, but also it causes the evolution of human beings. The avarice of human beings becomes worse in the tendency to the contrary kind like whoredom and the malady of HIV among human beings. This tendency must control by human beings, but he always loses his control from his compass. Therefore, he goes to the direction of the foulnesses. The reason is that there is not anything to stop him from the avarice of human beings. We should submit a practical way that the moderate avarice creates among human beings.

Human beings are the parts of the king of the universe. That is the other reason the world has changed to this circumstance. You assume that you put the extreme forces inside particles. These forces are exploded inside the particles, and they can move to every direction. Human beings are the particles of the infinite universe that the king of the universe is hidden inside them. One of the qualities of the king of the universe is to demand the perfection. Therefore, human beings also want to reach the extreme perfection. You see that human beings would like to go the extreme perfection either in the beneficent qualities or in the foul qualities in every place of the world. They would like to reach the top, it does not matter what the way is. This quality is innate. In reality, the foul human beings or the beneficent human beings would like to reach the king of the universe but they do not know anything about it. Therefore, human beings want to reach the perfection as the parts of the king of the universe.

To analyze a human being

We should analyze a human being before submitting any practical way. We are going to submit a practical way about human beings. As a result, this is necessary to know about the identity of human beings. One of the factors is that the elegance and the foulness were hidden in the existence of a human being. Each one drags him to its direction. A human being owns two divine and bestial forces. The divine force drags a human being to the beneficent direction, but the bestial force drags him to the foul direction. These forces cause a human being move and live in the world. Human beings accept the elegant act is good, and the foul act is bad, but they choose the foulness in the majority of cases. Therefore, the world goes the foul direction. Thus, we do not have the world that human beings live in a peace together.

To demand the perfection is the other identity of a human being. He is always looking for the perfection. He does not know anything about the real perfection. He thinks when he is trying to earn more money; this is the perfection. He is always looking for the different subjects to achieve the perfection, but he has lost his way to find the real perfection. The real perfection is hidden among the different subjects. There are two possibilities among human beings. One possibility is that a human being goes to the direction of the foulness. The other possibility is that he goes to the direction of the beneficence. In two possibilities, he thinks his act is the perfection. For example, he thinks his rapacity is the perfection. Therefore, we are going to submit a practical way that human beings know about the real perfection. The perfection is the high rank in the manhood’s qualities. The majority of human beings are far from manhood’s qualities because they do not pay attention this is very important in their life. If the majority of human beings own the manhood’s qualities, we do not see the world in this circumstance. We should try to encourage human beings that they achieve the manhood’s qualities. The perfect human being owns these qualities. These qualities are hidden inside the substance of human beings. We should bring them out from the substance of human beings. The evolution of human beings needs an expert who specializes in the spirit of human beings. The expert should be familiar to the bestial features and the divine features which are hidden inside the substance of human beings. When human beings achieve the manhood’s qualities, they never go to the direction of the foulnesses. Thus, they can live with the other human beings in a peace in every place of the world. This is our desire to submit a practical way to create the manhood’s qualities among human beings.

Every human being has a rank in his evolution to the direction of the king of the universe. The amount of his capacity or his ability is different among human beings. It means that the receivers (human beings) set on the different rank. Therefore, the willing of a human being in the direction of the beneficence is different from the others in his evolution to the direction of the king of the universe. Some receivers get a good signal, and the others get a bad signal. Thus, the amount of the belief is different among human beings. You assume that a human being does not believe the king of the universe, the amount of his belief is zero; he does not have any responsibility in front of the king of the universe, if anyone does not say anything to him about the king of the universe. The amount of the belief to the king of the universe is ranked among human beings. It means that the amount of fearing from the king of the universe, and not to commit the foulnesses, shows his rank in the belief. If a human being achieve to one hundred in the belief of the king of the universe, he enters to the state of the certainty. The certainty also has the ranks. To achieve the certainty is equal to achieve the truth. It means that the truth clarify for him. The certainty also has the ranks. It means that the evolution to the king of the universe will continue until he will reach to someone who is similar to the king of the universe.

To know about the secret of the universe

We should know about the secret of the universe before submitting a practical way. The secret of the universe is not clear for the majority of human beings. A few human beings know about the secret of the universe. They are not willing to tell someone about it. Maybe, we can not say anything about it in this article because it is dangerous for ordinary people. The creation of human beings is related to the secret of the universe. Thus, there is also a secret in the creation of human beings. When a human being does not know anything about the secret of the creation, he will lose the way of the perfection. As you see, human beings have changed the world to this circumstance. The king of the universe has not created human beings for the foulnesses. He has the special purpose in the creation of human beings. If human beings know this purpose, they do not go to the direction of the foulnesses. We encourage human beings to learn how they can know about the secret of the universe.

A person who achieves the truth knows about the secret of the universe. He also knows about the secret of the creation. He has the information about the substance of human beings. At least, he knows what it is happening in his substance really. He understands why the world becomes foul extremely. He has information about the goal of the creation of human beings. Of course, there are different religions and sects in every place of the world. They are trying to say something about the secret of the universe, or at least, they are expressing that there is the secret in the universe. We are going to claim that the secret of the universe does not exist in any book. We should learn it ourselves by the help of the king of the universe. The king of the universe gives him the information why he is created, and why he goes to the direction of dying. It is another discussion how a human being can discover the secret of the creation. We are going to submit a practical way to close human beings to the secret of the universe.

Human beings can discover that there is a secret in the universe. They should pay attention around themselves precisely. For example, all of human beings have seen an apple falls down from a tree since many years ago. Only, there was a person whose name is Newton discovered the law of the gravity. Newton noticed the phenomenon, but the other human beings passed through the phenomenon. Therefore the majority of human beings only look at the phenomenon, but they do not pay attention to it precisely. The real devisal is something that human beings pay attention around deeply, and they think about it precisely. Human beings may not understand what the secret of the universe is, but they can discover there is a secret in the universe.

You should pay attention what you see around your life is not the whole story. You only see the part of the story. You see the routine life around yourself. When you wake up in the morning, you see the sun. When you sleep at night, you see the moon. This act repeats every day until the life will be finished. If you pay attention to the routine life, you will get the conclusion that there is a secret in the universe. The secret of the universe is hidden in the feature of the attractiveness of the world. You should not get tired of thinking about the routine life. We should submit a practical way that human beings pay attention to the routine life until they find that there is a secret in the universe.

We are trying to say that if a person understands there is a secret in the universe, he can control himself from the foulnesses. When human beings notice that there is a secret in the universe, they will try to create a peaceful sublime and energetic world. Therefore, they can make the world that human beings live in a peace together. The next step is to achieve the truth or the secret of the universe. This is not new subject. Many human beings have been trying to achieve the secret of the universe in the different religions and sects. They are telling human beings the different ways, but they are difficult. You should limit yourself from every thing which is attractive for you in these ways. This is not welcome for human beings in the modern world. On the other hand, it is not easy to achieve the truth. Human beings should prepare for understanding the secret of the universe. We are not going to submit any practical way human beings to achieve the truth because there are the different ways for people. These ways are different from one person to the other ones. In fact, every human being needs the private teacher to achieve the truth. We are going to submit a practical way that human beings notice there is a secret in the universe.

The world is like the laboratory

The world is like the laboratory, and human beings are tested by the king of the universe. It is our marvelous world that anyone can not believe that he is tested by the king of the universe. The reason is that the world is designed very attractive and deceptive. For example, you imagine that you are a researcher or a scientist. You want to find a medicine, which medicates a disease. At first, you need a laboratory. You also need many mice to test on them. Then, you denote the mice. For example, XY123, XY124, etc. are the numbers of the mice. Now, you inject a special medicine on every mouse. You wait to see the result of the test. Many mice waste and the others get healthy. The result of the research is that you find a medicine which delivers the thousands of human being. Of course, you oblige the mice. You obtain its food and its needfulness. The mice do not know anything about the tests. Its sense does not let him to understand what it is going on. The king of the universe is like a researcher, human beings are like the mice, and the world is like the laboratory. (you should pay attention that this is an example for understanding the secret of the universe. otherwise, all of people know that the king of the universe is not a researcher, and human beings are not the mice. This example only clarifies our situation. We apologize for any inconvenient in this example).

The king of the universe would like to choose few human beings to tell them the truth in the world. For example, now, you imagine that you are as a researcher, you like a mouse. You are going to inform the situation of the mouse. It means that you tell him that he is tested for the special disease. You disclose your goal for him. He can not bear the life when the mouse understands the truth. Each mouse should not choose for understanding the truth. The mouse must choose for this that he has the capacity of understanding the truth and he can bear the situation. Thus, a researcher does the special tests on the mouse to choose him. He must own the merit of understanding of the truth. He must also own the merit of understanding what it is going on behind the screen. This is very important that a human being has the capacity of understanding the truth. Few human beings who achieve the truth have been chosen by the king of the universe.

At first, the king of the universe separates special human beings from the others. The king of the universe sets them on the special tests. They may not know anything about choosing by the king of the universe. When special human beings succeed from the tests, the king of the universe tells them the truth. They should have the capacity of understanding of the devisal of the king of the universe. They should also own the merit of understanding of the secret of the universe. The king of the universe tells them that the world is made for them. The world has been made beautiful to rest and to live the other human beings. If the other human beings understand about our goal, they will lose a peace. They can not live calm. The king of the universe loves human beings, but there is a very important goal, which is hidden from people. Now, special human beings understand at moment what it is the circumstance.Therefore, the king of the universe has chosen persons who achieve the truth.

The truth

A person who achieves the truth can alarm the other human beings. He can explain the situation to the other human beings in every place of the world. You imagine there is not anything to prove the secret of the universe for the other human beings. Therefore, a person who achieves the truth has the difficult work. For example, when human beings are fighting each other for the different subjects, he can only alarm them there is a secret in the universe. He can explain that the world was made for the other purpose. He can also lead the other human beings to choose the right way because he is familiar to the substance of human beings. We are going to submit a practical way that we will use from the help of people who achieve the truth in every place of the world.

A person who achieves the truth can not commit a crime like whoredom, burglary, bribe, atrocity, inhumanity, and etc. They are the examples of the foulnesses. The reason is that he finds the secret of the creation. It unfolds his position in the world. It also unfolds what he shares from the world. He can understand what things belong to him. Therefore, he can not quarrel to the other human beings on the passions. He satisfies what the king of the universe gives him. In fact, the king of the universe enriches him from all of things. The king of the universe set him the independence. If a human being achieves the secret of the universe, he will reach the salvation. You assume the majority of human beings to achieve the truth. There is not any foulness in the world; we have a peaceful sublime and energetic world.

One possibility is the majority of human beings to achieve the truth. We know this is very difficult to lead the majority of human beings to the truth. This is our desire, but there are many difficulties. At first, the practical ways for achieving the secret of the universe are very difficult. The different sects and religions have submitted the different practical ways, but all of them are difficult. The second is a person who achieves the truth can not enjoy from his life, and he gets pain. He does not belong to this world. Every thing is not real for him. The third is a human being wants to live conveniently. He does not want to choose the difficult ways until he achieves the truth. Whoever knows the truth, he can not live in a peace. The fifth is the king of the universe put a heavy burden on his back. His duty becomes heavy and he can not bear the world. To know the truth is not necessary for the majority of human beings because the king of the universe is very merciful. He would not like the majority of human beings to know the truth he wants people to live in comfortable, and people enjoy form their life. We are not going to submit a practical way that the majority of human beings achieve the truth.

The majority of human beings cannot reach the certainty about the secret of the universe. If a person who achieves the truth tells human beings there is a secret in the universe, they cannot reach the certainty. The different religions and sects have been telling about it, but few human beings achieve the certainty. In general, it is very difficult to reach the certainty for the different subjects. For example, you assume that someone tells you the fire is dangerous, and if you touch it, you will burn. Now, you have the information about the fire, but you do not achieve the certainty. Then, you touch the fire. You feel the fire to burn you. Now, you are close to the certainty. After that, if you put yourself in the fire, you really understand the fire to burn you because you are burning really. This is the certainty. The different religions and sects tell that the king of universe tests human beings, but they do not achieve the certainty. You should notice that they may have the information about the tests, but this is very difficult for the majority of human beings to achieve the certainty.

The different religions and sects have been submitted the different ways to achieve the truth. They have invited human beings to create a peaceful sublime and energetic world, but we do not have a wonderful world. Human beings do not obey the rules of the different religions and sects completely. They usually obey the part of the rules, which they like it. Thus, they can not achieve the truth. You assume human beings want to achieve the truth. In this case, they should obey the rules of their group precisely. They should have a lot of practice on performing their rules. Sometimes, they obey the rules of their group blindly. They should learn how they can achieve the certainty in the rules of their group. The beginner needs a person who achieves the truth because he knows the way of the perfection completely. We are going to submit a practical way that we encourage human beings obey the rules of their group.

Human beings should obey the rules of their group to achieve the truth, but this is not the only condition. The volition of the king of the universe is the other condition. We have seen a lot of human beings to obey the rules of their group, but they have not achieved the truth. The king of the universe would not like these human beings to achieve the truth. He knows them very well. They do not have the merit of knowing the secret of the universe, or they can not bear this duty on their back. The king of the universe knows which one owns the merit of knowing the truth. The king of the universe should choose a human being who wants to achieve the truth.

Human beings can achieve the truth by the volition of the king of the universe. The king of the universe has chosen the special human beings in every place of the world since the eternalness. It means that these special human beings have been chosen many years ago because the universe is in the discipline, and the chaotic situation can not be existed in the universe. It means that the king of the universe has chosen them. If a person would like to achieve the truth, but he has not already chosen by the king of the universe, he can not achieve the truth.

Some human beings claim to achieve the truth, but this is very difficult to recognize they are telling the real one. We should introduce the meaning of the truth in the universe. A person who achieves the truth is able to connect with the king of the universe. The king of the universe talks to him. He is on the way of the perfection. Whoever claims to achieve the truth should prove himself with his attitude. He should show his connection with the king of the universe. He should also have the power, which originates from the king of the universe. The power is different from one person to the others. You may hear some human beings that they have this power in every place of the world. We should recognize these human beings very precisely. 

The loss and the guidance

Before submitting a practical way to create a peaceful sublime and energetic world, we must explain the theory of the parts of the king of the universe. This theory says that human beings are the parts of the king of the universe, and they must return to him one day. This part has the qualities of the king of the universe. In reality, the king of the universe is hidden inside human beings. Therefore, the features and the qualities of the king of the universe exist inside them. These qualities appear when a person achieves the truth. Whoever achieves the truth, one of these qualities transfigures at him. We are going to submit a practical way that human beings bring out the feature and the qualities of the king of the universe.

The king of the universe leads some human beings, and he misdirects the other human beings. If we are the parts of the king of the universe, the loss and the guidance have done by his power. Whoever the king of the universe would like to lead, he will guide him. Whoever the king of the universe would not like to lead, he will misdirect him. The divine volition has a very important impress on the guidance and the loss of human beings.

The human liberty is the other important impress on the loss and the guidance of human beings. Some human beings believe that they have changed the world to this circumstance by force. It means that human beings drag the world to this circumstance by his liberty or by force. We should know about the meaning of the force and of the liberty. You assume that you have a puppet. You can move a puppet by some threads. If you move the puppet by some threads, this is the force. Now, you imagine that the puppet can move itself. This is the liberty. Either human beings have the liberty or the force; this is the recondite discussion that the different religions and sects have discussed since many years ago. They have the different viewpoints. Beside the volition of the king of the universe, the liberty has a very important impress on the loss and the guidance of human beings.

We are going to discuss the connection of the volition of the king of the universe and the human liberty. There is the hypothesis that it may clear the subject. Human beings are like the puppets, which are connected to the king of the universe by the sightless threads. The king of the universe is able to move them to every direction by his volition, but the puppets are also able to choose their way themselves. It means that human beings are designed that they are able to choose their way themselves. On the other hand, the king of the universe is able to move them because of connecting to him by the sightless threads. His movement is impossible without the volition of the king of the universe. Therefore, the divine volition is one factor that human beings can go to the direction of the foulness or of the beneficence. The volition of the king of the universe covers the human liberty.

To lead human beings

A person who achieves the truth by the volition of the king of the universe can lead the other human beings. We can find some human beings who achieve the truth among people in every place of the world. These human beings can be the good leaders for the other people. We can get help from them because they are familiar with the way of the perfection. They are the only persons who can relate to the king of the universe. They can expound the circumstances of the world with a simple language for human beings very well. They can explain the situation for them because they know what it is going on behind the screen of the world in reality. The king of the universe speaks with them, and they can transfer his guide to the other human beings. They are the same as the windowswhich they can relate human beings from the material world to the numinous world. They can achieve the secret of the creation, and they can expound it for the other human beings with simple language. We should use their information to lead human beings. We should encourage them to accept the leadership of human beings in every place of the world. We are going to submit a practical way that we will use the help of human beings who achieve the truth to lead people in every place of the world.

Human beings who achieve the truth are the best persons to lead the other human beings. They can lead human beings to the way of the perfection. The king of the universe will help them. They are familiar to the tortuous way of the perfection because they have already paced this way. They know the way of the life is very dangerous, and it is very complex way. There are many factors which influence on human beings. Every factor deviates from the right way human beings. We are going to submit a practical way that we clarify these factors in the life.

The king of the universe would like to put the leadership on human beings who achieve the truth. The volition of the king of the universe is an important impress on the leadership of human beings who achieve the truth because if he does not want this leadership to happen, it is impossible to see any evolution in the life of human beings. We know that the king of the universe is willing to reform the circumstance of the world to the best situation. We should only try very hard to create a peaceful sublime and energetic world.

Human beings who achieve the truth are like the microphones, and the other human beings are like the receivers. The receivers who are the parts of the king of universe are listening to microphones. Microphones connect to the king of the universe. Microphones are sending the special signals to the receivers. Human beings are leaded to the right way because the receivers can get the right signals by the volition of the king of the universe.

Human beings can realize people who achieve the truth are legitimate. The king of the universe can be a good guidance in recognizing these people. To love comes from the king of the universe. A person who achieves the truth can be a good leader for the other human beings because the king of the universe put his love inside the conscience of human beings. This is a very important issue to love human beings who are the leadership of the society. Otherwise, human beings do not listen to them, and they do not obey from their orders.

We are going to offer the way which clarify the right speech among the invalid speeches. We are going to claim that if the same speech comes from two microphones which one of them is the real truth, human beings can realize the real one. They are sending the different signals, although two speeches are the same completely. If a person who achieves the truth delivers a speech among human beings about creating a peaceful sublime and energetic world, and the other ones deliver speeches in this subject, you should be sure that the speech of a person who achieves the truth influences in the conscience of human beings. You see the right speech clarify among the invalid speeches. Human beings can refer to their conscience. The conscience of human beings always tells the truth. For example, you are interested to someone. You can realize that you love her by your conscience really. On the other hand, the art of a person who achieves the truth is that his speech is sent the special signals. His speech is very clear until the invalid speeches remove. The reason is that his speech comes from his conscience. Thus, it is gotten by the conscience of the other people without any doubt. He can transfigure the personality of human beings to the high rank of human position. In reality, his miracle is like the breath of Jesus that it causes the change and the evolution in human beings. He may not say anything about himself, which is a person who achieves the truth, but his attitude indicates that he is a reformer.

To recognize which one is telling the truth

We should recognize human beings who achieve the truth. They do not have the special shape. They may sit very close to you, but you do not pay attention to them. They do not usually tell the other human beings about what they have achieved. There is an important issue that they hide themselves from the other human beings when they achieve the real truth. Their attitudes are like human beings whom the king of the universe has told them the reason of the existence in the world. They can not speak about the secret of the universe with the other human beings, but they can explain the situation of the world to the others. They should carry this secret to the sepulcher. They understand the circumstance of the world with the special way which is different from understanding of the other human beings. As a result, this is very difficult for them to connect with the other human beings. It is not intelligible for the other human beings. For example, if a person specializes in the chemistry science, he can not connect with a person who specializes in the physic science. They specialize in the spirit of human beings, and the other human beings specialize in the other subjects. They know about the situation of human beings. Thus, they usually hide themselves from the other human beings because they afraid of misunderstanding with the other human beings. We are going to submit a practical way that we recognize human beings who achieve the truth in every place of the world.

Human beings who belong to the different religions and the sects are claiming that their speech is the real truth. We should recognize which one is telling the real truth. They may have some followers in every place of the world. We should try to find the right speech among many speeches. This is very difficult because they speak very well. They may have a very high power among their followers. It seems we have a very hard work because we should recognize the right speech among many speeches, which are similar to each other. The speakers speechify among human beings in every place of the world very well. There are two possibilities. The first one is the speaker who claims to tell the truth; are lying, and they are intending to deceive human beings. They are going to reach the personal or group benefit. The other one is that they are telling the real truth but their speeches are among the incorrect speeches. Thus, human beings cannot recognize the real one. We are going to submit a practical way that we make a distinct the real speech among the different speeches.

Human beings who achieve the truth

Human beings who achieve the truth should influence on the conscience of human beings. They have an important impress on the loss and the guidance of human beings because they can influence on the conscience of human beings. The conscience is a place that human beings always refer to it. If wewould like to create a peaceful sublime and energetic world, we should influence on the conscience of human beings. The other human beings should listen to persons who achieve the truth for influencing on their conscience. We should design a practical way that human beings listen to persons who achieve the truth in every place of the world. You should pay attention those persons who achieve the truth pace a very difficult way for influencing of the conscience of human beings. This is the art of persons who achieve the truth. You know every human being is different from the other ones. Every one interests to something, which is different from the other ones. You assume persons who achieve the truth want to change human beings what they should do. They should design the special pattern for human beings in every place of the world because you have seen there are many persons who have leaded human beings, but some people repudiate them. They have leaded to the beneficence, but some people do not listen to them. We are going to submit a practical way that persons who achieve the truth should design the effective pattern to influence the conscience of human beings.

Some human beings exist in every place of the world that they lead the other ones to the foulnesses because they have the personal and group benefits. They have the authority, money, power, and etc. When human beings who achieve the truth want to go to the direction of the beneficence, they will try to stop them. We are not going fight with these people in our practical way. The base of our practical way is to advise human beings. We do not have any gun against them. We usually advise the other human beings because the advice is a very important impress on the conscience of human beings. We advise human beings compassionately. We do not have any benefit in our practical way. We love human beings, and we are going to teach them loving each other. We are going to submit a practical way that human beings listen to our advice, and they do not obey people who lead them to the foulnesses.

Human beings who achieve the truth are not the messengers. They are ordinary human beings completely. They do not have any privilege on the other human beings. They are only different from the other human beings because they are connected to the king of the universe. They can pace the way of the perfection by the power of the king of the universe. You should not imagine a person who achieves the truth is a messenger because the last messenger came to the earth. There is not any possibility the other messenger come to the earth. The meaning of a messenger is a person who has a miracle for people. He can transfer the messages of the king of the universe to human beings. He can lead the other human beings to the way of the perfection. The rank of human beings who achieve the truth is lower than the rank of the messengers. Not only can the king of the universe speak with a messenger, but also he can speak with the other human beings who achieve the truth. We claim that the king of the universe have spoken with the other human beings who achieve the truth. This subject is very recondite. They are not those messengers we think about it. That is true that the king of the universe speak with the messengers, but it has observed in the history that some human beings have claimed the king of the universe has spoken with them in every place of the world. Sometimes, they have a miracle. We are going to say that the king of the universe has spoken with special human beings, but they are not the messengers.

Human beings who achieve the truth should prove their claim. The other human beings would like to see a proof from them. Otherwise, every human being can claim to achieve the truth. This is very important to make a distinct among human beings who claim to achieve the truth. We should not judge them on the base of their shape. We should not find them in the special group. They may belong to every group in every place of the world. We should not choose them from the special religions. They may belong to every religion. There are the different ways to recognize them. One way is we listen to them very carefully. Their speeches send us the special signals, which are very different from the other human beings who claim to achieve the truth wrongly. They influence in the conscience of human beings. You enjoy listening to them. The other way is they may have a miracle. It depends on the duty that the king of the universe gives them. We can recognize the claim of human beings who achieve the truth by the volition of the king of the universe correctly.

The king of universe should prove himself to human beings who achieve the truth with physical symptoms. Otherwise, they may make a mistake in achieving the truth. The mirages are dangerous for human beings who want to achieve the truth. At first, the king of the universe notices them with physical symptoms. They may see the special light with their eyes physically. The other human beings can not see the special light with their eyes. For example, when they see the special light, the others cannot see that. In this case, they understand to see something, which is different from the others. Then, they may see the other things like the angels, the heaven, the hell, and etc. They always have some dreams, which clear their situation in the past, in the present, and in the future. They may face with the different things, which are special for them. Anyway, they are on the way of the perfection. Human beings who want to achieve the truth should check themselves with physical symptoms, which come from the king of the universe.

The duty of human beings who achieve the truth is different. They are in the different positions in front of the king of the universe because they have the different capacity. The capacity of human beings who achieve the truth depends on the king of the universe. It means that the range of their duty determines by the king of the universe. Sometimes, they do not have any duty. They should pace the way of the perfection until they become the perfect human being. Their way is very difficult. They should bear a lot of problems to achieve the truth. To achieve the truth is sufficient for them. They live with the secret of the universe the entire their life. Sometimes, the king of the universe gives them the leadership for few human beings. They have few followers in the limit range. The followers only know them, but the other human beings do not know them. Sometimes, they have a miracle. Sometimes, they do not have any miracle. The duty of human beings who achieve the truth depends on what the king of the universe asks them.

A reformer who owns the major name or the kingdom name

One of human beings who achieve the truth owns the major name or the kingdom name. The earth has a person who is the deputy of the king of the universe in every period on the earth. It means that he is the king of the earth. The king of the universe owns a lot of names. When a person achieves the truth, one of the names of the king of the universe transfigures inside him. One of the names of the king of the universe is the major name or the kingdom name. Thus, one of human beings who achieve the truth owns this name in every period. To own this duty is very important for a person who achieves the truth because he has a heavy responsibility on his back. This duty transfers to the other person when he dies. Therefore, the earth is not empty from a person who owns this name. The secretof previous person transfers to the future one. The major name or the kingdom name is the desire of human beings who want to achieve the truth. They are trying to achieve the major name or the kingdom name.

A person who owns the major name or the kingdom name lives with the attitude between the horror and the hope. His position is the majesty in every period in the world. The real power belongs to him because his power originates from the king of the universe. The other human beings who have the superficial power cannot see any power except themselves. Therefore, they will try to kill him. As a result, the king of the universe hides him in front of the other human beings. Thus, he lives without any difficulty. Sometimes, the king of the universe asks him to reform human beings who are close to him. He starts reforming human beings with the attitude between the horror and the hope.

A person who owns the major name or the kingdom name can create a peaceful sublime and energetic world by the volition of the king of the universe. Of course, the king of the universe should give him the duty of the leadership of human beings. One possibility is a reformer who owns the major name or the kingdom name starts reforminghuman beings in every place of the world. The king of the universe should give him the special power. The king of the universe should help him very much. A reformer cannot design any practical way without the power of the king of the universe. These explanations illustrate that the existence of a reformer who owns the major name or the kingdom name is necessary. Human beings will recognize him by the volition of the king of the universe in every place of the world.

A reformer must own the special qualifications. At first his speech should influence on old and young human beings, poor and rich human beings, Jewish and Muslim human beings, and etc. in every place of the world. His speech should lead them to the way of the perfection. His speech should also influence on the conscience of human beings in every place of the world. A reformer must own the special power in the influence of speech, which should be very supreme. The second, he must be popular in every place of the world. Beside, he must be a heroic and a famous human being in the world. He must also own the qualifications of the human supreme feature. He should be a human being on the supreme level. The third the reformer should not belong to any sect, any group. He should not belong to the special power. He must be independent from every group or every sect. He must familiar to the age that human beings live in it.

A reformer should influence on the conscience of human beings in every place of the world. This is very difficult to speak the way that human beings like it in every place of the world. On the other hand, his speech should cause the evolution of human beings.

A reformer who owns the major name or the kingdom name should lead the other human beings. This is his duty because he should not think about himself. He is on the way of the perfection, and he can save himself from the foulnesses, but he should think about the other human beings. He should design a pattern to save the other human beings from the foulnesses. The leadership of a reformer is the important impress on the evolution of human beings. They do not have any responsibility in front of the king of the universe because they think the king of the universe does not exist in the world. A reformer should encourage human beings that they have responsibility about their acts in front of the king of the universe. He can be a good leader for the guidance of human beings.

A reformer should undertake the duty of the guidance of human beings. Human beings are wise in the third millennium. There is another discussion which is wise human beings do not need a reformer to lead them. They can find the way of the perfection themselves. If human beings could have found the way of the perfection themselves, they have not changed the world to this circumstance. They do not know what the real perfection is really. They may have the proficiency of the sciences in the third millennium, but they do not have any proficiency in the numinous things. They do not know why human beings create in the world, and they do not know why human beings must die in the world. That is right, they have learned how they can earn money, and how they can enjoy from their life, but they do not know how they can achieve the real perfection. They think what are doing in achieving the superficial things are the real perfection. Therefore, they need a reformer to lead them to the real perfection.

A reformer should teach human beings the simplest human language alphabet, which is to love each other. Human beings live in the technological period, and they also live in the communication period. All of the progresses have been happened in the life by their wisdom. They are very wise in the technological period, but they do not understand the simplest human language alphabet, which is to love each other. They do not enjoy loving each other. They do not also respect each other. They think about themselves, but they do not care about the other human beings. They do not have any pain about human beings who are killing by the other ones. They are very selfish in the life. A reformer is very compassionate about the life of human beings. He is always thinking how he can reform this circumstance in every place of the world. Unfortunately, human beings are far from the manhood. A reformer should find the way of teaching human beings until they love each other.

A reformer should lead human beings who have been sunk in the foulnesses in every place of the world. This is the art of a reformer to save human beings from the foulnesses. Thus, he should find a way to advise human beings in every place of the world. A reformer uses the power of the king of the universe in advising human beings. He does not want to reform the world by the force. Human beings should realize that his advice is useful for them. They can understand this subject very easy because he does not have any benefit in the leadership of human beings. The leadership only is the heavy burden on his back. The leadership of a reformer is very different from the leadership of the other superficial powers. A reformer has the heavy responsibility in front of the king of the universe, but the other superficial powers do not have any responsibility in front of the king of the universe.

A reformer should find a practical way to save human beings from the foulnesses. It may conclude from this article that to create a peaceful sublime and energetic world is refer to a miracle because we refer any change in the circumstance of the world to a reformer. What you see in the world, you can not expect anything except a miracle until you see the evolution in the world. The world has lost its right way, and every moment, the world is closer to the naught. There is not any choice to expect a reformer who owns the major name or the kingdom name to save human beings from the foulnesses. The king of the universe wants a reformer to save the world because he needs someone to transfer his messages to human beings. The king of the universe would like to use a reformer in changing the circumstance of the world. It was said that in every period, a reformer exists to save human beings from the foulnesses. A reformer has started his activities since 1989 until human beings in every place of the world recognize him. His speeches influence inside the conscience of human beings very gently. He can save the world from the foulnesses, and he can create a peaceful sublime and energetic world.

A reformer has structured a building for creating a peaceful sublime and energetic world since 1989. Of course, this phenomenon takes time. We should expect his activities to get the good results very soon. A reformer does not depend on any power except the power of the king of the universe. His activities are independent from any group. He is going to be recognized by people without depending on any sects. He will be recognized among millions human beings very soon. It seems that it is impossible a person can be recognized without helping the others, but the king of the universe has helped him very much. We will see his help very soon. The king of the universe is going to reform the circumstance of the world by a reformer. Therefore, the existence of a reformer who owns the major name or the kingdom name is necessary for changing the circumstance of the world to better situation.

A reformer who owns the major name or the kingdom name is the first person knows about the volition of the king of the universe because he talks to a reformer. We understand the volition of the king of the universe is to establish a reformer to save human beings from the foulnesses very soon. The other human beings who achieve the truth also know about the volition of the king of the universe. Of course, a reformer can create a peaceful sublime and energetic world by the power of the king of the universe. He leads human beings to the direction of the perfection. The other human beings can not establish a mutual connection with the king of the universe; do not know about the subject. Of course, the volition of the king of the universe is to remove the foulnesses. If you do not see any reform, the reason is every reform needs time, and it will be happened very slowly.

Human beings should expect a reformer who owns the major name or the kingdom name creates a peaceful sublime and energetic world. This expectancy does not mean human beings should not do anything until the other human beings recognize a reformer. They should prepare themselves for reforming the circumstance of the world because a reformer can not reform anything without the help of human beings in every place of the world. Therefore, while human beings are expecting a reformer who owns the major name or the kingdom name, they prepare themselves for creating a peaceful sublime and energetic world.

The teachers

Human beings need someone to teach them how they choose the way of real perfection. Human beings should not go to the direction of foulnesses, but they should go to the direction of the beneficences. A teacher has an important impress on determining this way. He can help them to choose the right way. If you see the story of human beings, you can get the result that the teachers are necessary in the life of human beings. When they go to the schools, they need a teacher to learn the subjects. We can not get any progress in the sciences without helping the teachers. The problem is that some people think human beings to need the teachers in the sciences, but they think that human beings do not need a teacher in the numinous subjects. The numinous subjects are very important in the life of human beings, but they do not care about them. We need an expert to teach us the numinous subjects. A reformer can accept the leadership of teaching human beings.

The king of the universe has realized that human beings need the special teachers whose name were the messengers in the numinous subjects since he created the first human being. The messengers have taught human beings since many years ago. They have leaded human beings to the right way. They were only ones who could connect to the numinous world. They were the proper persons who could lead human beings to the perfection. A reformer is not the messenger, but he is a teacher. He can teach human beings how they can find the real perfection.

The messengers

At first, the king of the universe created a human being whose name was Adam. He taught Adam his names. He wanted to create a perfect human being. He also wanted to create someone like himself in the shape of a human being. The king of the universe told him that you should not eat the apple. The Satan deceived him. He ate the apple. Thus, the king of the universe ousted him from the heaven. He knew what it would happen in the future. That was the reason he told Adam not to eat the apple. He wanted to create one perfect human being, but instead of one perfect human being, he has a lot of perfect human being, at least, the numbers of the messengers, by the mischief of the Satan. Therefore, the winner of this game is the king of the universe, and the looser of this game is the Satan.

When Adam was ousted from the heaven, and he came to the earth, it was like to be exploded the atomic bomb in the earth. Many qualities, which are necessary in a human being until he lives in comfortable, have changed a human being to a foul human being because of his avarice. Human beings have changed the world to this circumstance. There is not anything to prevent them from the foulnesses. When the king of the universe ousted Adam from the heaven, he has sent the messengers to alarm human beings that the world likes the laboratory, and the king of the universe tests them. A human being would like to move to every direction, and he wants to be free until he does every act in the world. The messages of the messengers have been remained in different books tells him not to do every act. This is not welcome for a human being in the modern world. He would like to move his passions to every direction.

The messengers were like the transmitters, and human beings were like the receivers. These transmitters have sent the special signals to the receivers. Some receivers could not receive the signals very well. Thus, they have gone to the direction of the foulnesses. Some receivers have repudiated the king of the universe with the existence of the transmitters. A reformer may face with the same problem in teaching human beings.

The modern human beings cannot go to the direction of the beneficence after preserving the hang over of the messengers in every place of the world. The problem is that the world has been designed very attractive. That is very clear some human beings do not believe the heaven and the hell really. For example, if a researcher designs a robot which can think and move, but he starts fighting with the researcher instead of thanking from him. It also repudiates the researcher. The king of the universe also created a human being that he misnames the king of the universe even though he repudiates him instead of thanking from him.

If you see the period of the different messengers, the different reactions have existed among human beings. At first, the majority of the messengers have confronted with the repudiation. After a miracle, some people have believed them. Sometimes, people have not believed them, and the king of the universe has sent the tribulation on them. Sometimes, the messengers have had few followers. Sometimes, they have had a lot of followers. What it is certainly, their messages were deviated from the main way by some people. Thus, the king of the universe has sent the other messengers to lead human beings. A messenger has been trying to lead human beings, but some people have not obeyed him. Therefore, a messenger could not lead all of human beings. A reformer can lead human beings, but we cannot see the evolution of human beings very soon.

The king of the universe has sent the messengers to alarm human beings that the heaven and the hell exist in the universe because they have seen them physically. The messengers have leaded people to the right direction compassionately until they keep them from the foulnesses. This is the merciful act of the king of the universe because human beings should know this reality. If they do not know about it, this is not fair situation. They should know the world is the place of the testing, and they should know there is the other world, which they must answer for their acts.

The sinusoidal curve

Every sample from human beings has the special file’s number. He starts living in the sinusoidal curve until he finishes his way. The maximum part of the curve is the joyful status, but the minimum part of the curve is unpleasant status. It means that the maximum and the minimum parts of the curve are like the happiness of the life and the uneasiness of the life respectively. These sinusoidal curves are different from one human being to the other one.

These ways were designed for every one because the universe is in the discipline. It is like to wind the toys while the king of the universe born him, and when the wind finishes, he will die. To pace the way is like the flower blooms, and then it gives the fruit until it is separated from the tree. The king of the universe is wise, and he does not do anything unfruitful. Every human being start living for the special purpose then he will finish his life. Every thing is designed in the discipline.

The way designed as the shape that some human beings have to pace it by his foot, the other ones by bicycle, the other ones by a car, and the other ones by an airplane. It means that the way is easy for some, and it is very difficult for the others. You see the differences in the economic situations of human beings because of this fact. We can say why the ways were not designed the same. The king of the universe does not do anything unfruitful. The samples of his test do not set in the same way. For example, if you see people in every place of the world, you observe the existence of the similarity in the shapes of human beings. It means that if a human being has the different factors inside himself. With changing these factors, human beings will come to the life again. For example, you see an artist has the same shape with a tailor, but they have different ways. One of them paces the way, which it causes to become an artist, and the other one becomes a tailor. You observe these similarities very much in every place of the world. They are the samples of the king of the universe that they come to the life with the different factors, and they continue to their life.

The path of the life of a human being is like the sinusoidal curve, which sets in the darkness. The darkness has enveloped the entire of the path. While a human being is pacing the path, there are very different dangers to slump him to a crag. The dangers are the temptations of the Satan that the Satan sets on the way of his path until he slumps a human being to a crag, and he reaches to the immemorial desire. The Satan is trying to perish human beings, and he would not like the divine qualifications to control human beings.

The concept of the darkness is that the right way or the wrong way can not be denoted by human beings. It means they do not know what the ways should be chosen by human beings. It is not clear the ways. You imagine that a human being works in a place. There is a possibility that he may get a bribe. He knows to get a bribe is very bad. The divine factor tells him not to do this. The animal factor tells him to get a bribe. The connection’s factor observe him what he answers in this test. The Satan’s factor also start tempting the animal factor to excite him that a human being does not choose the right way which is not to get a bribe. This is the place of testing that the king of the universe has provided for a human being until he is tested.

Human beings need a light to illuminate their way. This is the light of the belief that it exists in the conscience of human beings. This light illuminates the way of human beings. The king of the universe set this light on the conscience of whomever the king of the universe would like to save him from a crag. He prevents a human being to do the foulnesses. This light is like a powerful spotlight illuminates the way. Therefore, a human being can recognize the right way from the wrong way.

The king of the universe tests human beings

Human beings are tested on the different conditions by the king of the universe. When a phenomenon is tested on the different conditions, it is more valid than when a phenomenon is not tested on the different conditions. You assume that you want to make a robot. If you use the robot without test, it is possibility that the robot may confront with the problems. Therefore, the robot’s maker is trying to test robot on the different conditions until he works very well. The king of the universe has the special purpose to create a human being. He does not do anything without the goal. Therefore, he must test on human beings until he certify human beings very well after dying. You should not imagine that a human being does not use after the death. He has been designed for the special purpose after the death. Thus, when a human being is tested, he will be ready for living after the death.

The different religions and sects have told this fact that human beings are tested by the different expressions, but less human being believes that. The reason is that they do not see the other world by their eyes physically. They believe something when they see themselves. The numinous world can not see by the eyes physically. We are going to submit a practical way that human beings believe the numinous world.

The different religions and sects express that the hell will burn foul people, but less human beings believe it because they can not see the hell. Therefore, a human being chooses the foulnesses. You see the foulnesses to control human beings in every place of the world.

Human beings do not achieve the belief because they do not see a punishment after the death for doing the foulnesses physically. They do not also see remuneration after the death for doing the beneficence physically. A human being believes something when he sees it. He only sees the attractive temptation of the world. He can see the appearance of the world. The world is designed very attractive. Therefore, human beings fall in the trap of attractive world. Now, you add the temptations of the Satan to this attractiveness. Thus, human beings can not stay the healthy. The possibility of the deviation from the beneficences is very high, and the possibility of going to the direction of the beneficence is very low. A human being must be realistic. The possibility of the deviation from the right way is more than the possibility of going to the right way. Thus, they cannot pace the way of the king of the universe. Apparently, it seems that the forces of the Satan are more powerful than the divine forces.

Methodist is like the other human beings commit a sin. The king of the universe always sets the way of the penitence for human beings. The real penitence can purify human beings from the sin. They can return to the right way. If the penitence becomes real one, the king of the universe accepts it. Human beings can return to the right way every moment. This is a very good opportunity that the king of the universe gives to human beings until they always become hopeful.

In the universe, the foulness does not have any place, and the foulness will disappear in the universe finally. The philosophy of the existence of the hell is that the foul people will go there until the hell will remove the foulnesses. Some foul people are permanent in the hell; some foul people will be in the hell for the special period on the base of the amount of the foulnesses. After removing the foulnesses, they will go to the heaven. Sometimes, people see the result of their work in this world, or in the hell, or in all of them as a punishment.

The spirit

A human being is very complex. It seems this is impossible to submit a practical way to create a peaceful sublime and energetic world. We must find a solution about the problems of human beings’ spirit. Therefore, It needs someone who experts in it. Reformer who owns the major name or the kingdom name specializes in human beings’ spirit. For example, if you are sick; you should go to see a doctor. It means that there is the kind of the special expert for every thing in the modern world. We need a spiritual doctor for solving the problems’ spirit. He is familiar to human beings’ spirit. He can answer to these problems. It means that a spiritual doctor can answer to these problems precisely because he is familiar to human beings’ spirit.

A human being who achieves the truth should identify himself precisely before he becomes a spiritual doctor. It means that a doctor dissects a corpse completely until he increases his knowledge in the medic’s science. Meanwhile, a spiritual doctor should dissect human beings’ spirit completely until he achieves the complete information from a human being. At least, he should dissect his spirit precisely until he can recognize the different factors, which influence on him. Human beings’ spirit becomes ill, and they need a spiritual doctor. As you know, when an ill person goes to see a doctor, ill spirit needs a spiritual doctor to give him a medicine.

For example, a person falls in love with a girl. He becomes ill, and he can not talk when he can not reach her. A spiritual doctor does not know anything about his illness. At first, he should recognize the disease. Then, he gives him a medicine. A spiritual doctor gets his pulse, and he starts calling the places where he has passed. After that, his pulse raises when he calls a city. The spiritual doctor understands the problem is in this city. Thus, he gets the result that there is a girl in there, and he falls in love with her. Now, he recognizes the disease. Then, he should give him a medicine. The spiritual doctor gets someone to bring her. He tells her to talk with ill person. When ill person hears her voice, he becomes healthy.

When a human being commits foulness, he becomes sick. You should look at him like a sick person. Sometimes, his illness is epidemic. It transfers from one person to the others. It means that the illness of the foulness may become epidemic. It can transfer from one person to the other one. Therefore, it envelops the entire society. Some illnesses can not find any medicine for it, and we can not treat them. For example, if a corrupt apple exists among the other apples, it will spoil the other apples. It means that when a human being’s spirit becomes sick, not only he is dangerous for himself but also he is dangerous for the others. For example, if a person catches HIV virus, he may transfer his illness to the other human beings. Some illnesses can be prevented by the vaccination. The vaccination can give human beings the immunity. Therefore, a spiritual doctor can use the vaccination to prevent the foulnesses become epidemic. Some illnesses have the special medicine. Some illnesses are the general case. Therefore, when human beings go to the direction of the foulnesses, they are ill. Then, we should treat them until they become healthy.

We cannot give one medicine for every ill person. We can not submit the special medicine for all of human beings in every place of the world. There are different medicines for different human beings in every place of the world. Of course, there is not any doubt that it exists a general practical way to treat human beings, but it is different for every person. You assume that a human being is envious. His illness progresses somewhat it can not be treated. This illness causes the disorder in the society. At first, this is necessary to alarm him about his illness. It may someone alarm him, or he understands himself. Sometimes, his illness has some symptoms. Sometimes, it does not have any symptoms. Thus, an ill person should recognize that he is ill. If he does not recognize his illness, he never treats. First condition is to recognize the illness. It means that envious person understands his illness. The second, a spiritual doctor should see him. Then, he should give him a medicine. Sometimes, human beings are ill, but they do not know about their illness. Therefore, they do not go to see a spiritual doctor. They live with this illness the entire life. They do not notice that they are ill. We can not do anything about them except the king of the universe treat them by his power.

When human beings do the foulnesses; he should recognize his illness by the symptoms. As you know every human being should go to see a doctor for checkup in every place of the world. The checkup does for physical illnesses. In this case, we can be sure that we are not ill. The checkup does once or twice in a year. We also need do the checkup for our spirit. It means that whoever read this article should do the checkup in his spirit. You should search inside your spirit, and you should review what kind of illness you have. Maybe, you have to see a spiritual doctor for the checkup. It must be said in the media that Hey, human beings, if you want to create a peaceful sublime and energetic world, at first, you should do checkup in your spirit. We must encourage them in the media.

To review the previous practical ways

Of course, there are the laws in every place of the modern world until they keep human beings from the crimes. It means that whoever does not obey the laws, it will be punished until the other human beings get a good lesson. It has seen that some of punishments are very hard, but you see human beings commit crimes again. The practical way of respecting to the laws is a medicine that it does not have any impress on the society, and it may give the regularity to the society for some period.

These rules have gotten from the rules of different religions and sects. These laws are like the brake that it can prevent the society to go the direction of the foulnesses. Therefore, respecting to the laws is as a practical way to create a peaceful sublime and energetic world, but there is a problem that a human being is always looking for the ways to escape from the rules. Sometimes, the rules have done for some, and they have not done for the others.

There is a basic different between the divine rules and the human rules. In the human rules, if a human being commits a crime, or he hurts the society, he will be arrested. There is a court to review his crime. Then, the judge condemns him after proving his crime. He will get the result of his crime in this world. The society does not confront with the anarchy because the rules prevent people to commit a crime. It was said that these rules are as a medicine until disobedient human beings have to obey them, but the divine rules act in the wider limit. A human being may commit a crime, which it is hidden from the human rules, but it can not be hidden from the divine rules.

Every human being has a special file’s number, and his acts record on the videotape. The smallest act of the beneficence records on the videotape, and the smallest act of the foulness also record on the videotape. After death, the king of the universe will open his file in the other world. In the divine forum, the king of the universe judges him. If he is a benefactor, he will go to the heaven, and if he is a wrongdoer, he will go to the hell. Therefore, you can escape from the human rules, but you cannot escape from the divine rules.

There are the different religions and sects in every place of the world. If a human being believes his group, but the other ones repudiate this group. A human being grows up in a Moslem family becomes a Moslem. The other human being becomes the member of the other religion. The king of the universe will judge these groups on the base of theirrules. Human beings grow up in the wrong sect; they do not have any fault. This is a complex discussion because it is difficult to say about something, which will happen after the death because the majority of human beings have not seen the other world.

The king of the universe will judge human beings with his justice. He will judge people of every group on the base of their rules. He will judge Christian people by the Bible, and Moslem people by the Koran. He will judge people who do not depend on any groups by their conscience. The conscience of people always tells them what is bad or what is good. Everything is very precise. The king of the universe will not judge human beings with the smallest unjustness.

Respecting to the human rules seems that it is a practical way to create a peaceful sublime and energetic world, but it has not been achieved to a good answer. It means that this practical way is not secure. If we say people to respect the rules until we have a wonderful world, human beings will find a way to escape from the rules. Escape’s ways usually are very much. We can not repudiate the human rules because they are necessary to regularize the society. Of course, there is a punishment after committing a crime. That is the reason, human beings do not commit a crime because of the fear from the rules, or if he does, he will be punished until the others get a lesson. The divine rules and the human rules limit a human being from extreme passions. It means that he must move in the special frame, and it is annoying him. This is not welcome for a human being. A manacle and bondage are annoying human beings. It has seen that the human rules perform in some society, but there is not any humanity in there. It means that human rules have changed a human being to a robot in the society. Either people perform the rules or the others do not perform the rules are living like a robot.

Today, a human being becomes selfish in the era of technology. He does not pay attention to around. He has made a fence around himself, and he is trying not letting to enter anyone in it. He must finish his life like a robot which does not work any more. He prefers his benefit to the others. He only sees his benefit and himself. He increases his lust every day. Meanwhile, he respects to the rules. He tries to increase his income until he lives in more comfortable. He wants to enjoy from his life extremely. Sometimes, the normal joy does not satisfy him, and he goes to the direction until he enjoys more. It means that if a human being does not commit a crime on the base of the human rules, he should prefer his life to the others. He respects to the rules, but he does not have any humanity. His attitude is like a robot. Therefore, if the whole society obeys the rules, it is a possibility that there is not any humanity in there. The simplest human alphabet, which is to love each other, does not exist in the society. There is not any way to achieve the perfection. A human being has changed to a robot that he is selfish. We do not expect this kind of the society. The society is without the esprit, without humanity, and without loving each other. The society becomes robotic completely. This is not our goal.

In the case of the divine rules is also the same. You assume to raise the belief to the king of the universe among the society; this is another practical way to create a peaceful sublime and energetic world. If this practical way offers among human beings, we cannot solve the problems because some human beings do not believe the king of the universe. You see in few countries, they claim the king of the universe to exist among people, but you observe whoredom, burglary, bribe, atrocity, and inhumanity, etc. among the society. The divine rules should perform in the society until we control human avarice, but it does not cause to remove the whole foulnesses among the society.

To submit our practical way

We cannot submit a practical way to remove the foulnesses in every place of the world completely. We cannot reach the circumstance that the foulnesses become zero. For example, if you have an apple garden, you notice that some apples are spoiled after the consideration. The world is like an apple garden. You notice that after submitting every practical way or after the consideration, some people will be spoiled. Therefore, we can not submit a practical way that there is not any foulness. It is impossible the foulnesses to become zero in every place of the world. It means that if someone submits the best practical way, it exist foulnesses again, but we can submit a a practical way which the amount of the foulnesses becomes minimum. If you assume the period of the messengers is an ideal period, you notice that it was existed the foulnesses, but the amount of the foulnesses was minimum.

We are going to submit a pattern that a reformer places instead of the writer of this article. We assume that a reformer is going to submit a practical way to create a peaceful sublime and energetic world because a reformer has an important impress in a practical way. A reformer should think about a practical way instead of the writer. We place ourselves instead of a reformer in the following paragraphs (We apologize for any inconvenience).

A reformer must design the International Committee for Creating a Peaceful Sublime and Energetic World (ICCPSEW). The ICCPSEW includes the deputies of the different countries. The deputies are human beings who achieve the truth. A reformer can recognize them in every place of the world because he gets his revelation from the king of the universe. The king of the universe will help him by his power in recognizing human beings who achieve the truth. The ICCPSEW is very important for crating a peaceful sublime and energetic world. Therefore, a reformer should choose the deputies in every place of the world very precisely.

A reformer should use human beings who achieve the truth as spiritual doctors in every place of the world. He should organize the spiritual doctors. He should have the different plans in every country. He should familiar to the different cultures in every place of the world. He can get his information about the culture of the country by helping the deputy of the country in the International Committee for Creating a Peaceful Sublime and Energetic World. A deputy is familiar to the culture of a country. He can be very useful to lead human beings to the way of the perfection in a country. He connects with human beings who are interested in contributing the practical way to create a peaceful sublime and energetic world. They form a committee inside a country. Therefore, a reformer forms the ICCPSEW, and every deputy forms the special committee inside a country. This pattern is like the branches of a tree. The head of the ICCPSEW is a reformer. The other deputies are like the branches of a tree. Every deputy is the head of human beings who achieve the truth in every country. A reformer organizes the ICCPSEW, and a deputy organizes human beings who achieve the truth in every country. Every human being who achieves the truth forms the spiritual hospital in every part of a country. As a result, a reformer is the leadership of the spiritual hospitals in every place of the world.

The deputies of the different countries should own the special conditions. At first, they should connect with the king of the universe. It means that they should achieve the truth. One of the divine qualities should transfigure inside him. They should be on the way of the perfection. The second, they should be the righteous persons in their countries. They should popular in their countries. The third, human beings of their countries should respect them. Human beings should listen to them. They should influence the conscience of human beings. A reformer can recognize these conditions very precisely by the power of the king of the universe.

A reformer should form the special group before designing the ICCPSEW. He will use human beings who are interested in creating a peaceful sublime and energetic world. This group will notify the existence of the ICCPSEW in the media. We can start working on a pattern to find human beings who achieve the truth in every place of the world. This is very important issue that our activities will be independent from every group or power. We can get help from people to support this global movement. If 7,000,000,000 human beings help us, and give us one dollar, we have 7,000,000,000$. It can spend for the expense of the ICCPSEW. The ICCPSEW will spend this money for removing the foulnesses, which originate from the poverty in the entire world.

This is not difficult for a reformer to find human beings who achieve the truth in every country. We can discuss how many deputies should have a country. We can determine it on the base of the population. Every country has many human beings who achieve the truth. A reformer should elect a deputy among them by using the power of the king of the universe in every country.

The special group issues the communiqué on the base of the future work of the ICCPSEW in the media. The communiqué will be told that hey, human beings, you should notice to this communiqué for a moment. You should try not to think about anything except this communiqué. You should release your mind from everything. You should not worry about the future. You should think about yourself, and the circumstance of the world. You see the foulnesses to envelop in every place of the world. You see human beings to slump from the human position to the animal position. We alarm you that you are oppressing to yourself and your society. We also alarm you that you are destroying humanity in every place of the world. Hey, human beings, you should think about your attitude. You should replace the beneficences instead of the foulnesses in every place of the world. Do you want to create a peaceful sublime and energetic world? Do you think to create the world which human beings love each other in every place of the world? Do you think to create the world which people help each other? Why are we foul? Come and join us to create a peaceful sublime and energetic world in our global movement. Come and join us not to commit the foulnesses. You should help a reformer to choose a righteous person who achieves the truth among people in your country. He will become your deputy in the ICCPSEW.

We are going to use the independent international organizations in our global movement. They will help us to notice human beings to our global movement in every place of the world. With the cooperation of the international organization can choose a deputy from every country.

The deputy knows the information about his country completely. He knows about the economic problems of his country. He also knows the situation of his country. He knows about the conditions of the foulnesses in his country. This deputy can influence on the conscience of people of his country. The deputy of a country will form a committee from human beings who achieve the truth inside a country. This committee will form from righteous people that human beings can trust them. He can transfer the decision of the ICCPSEW to the committee inside a country. We hope human beings who achieve the truth to emanate from the corner of the sanctum. We also hope that they accept the duty of leading of people in his country.

Our movement is very peaceful. We are not going to fight with anyone. We only advise human beings in every place of the world. We can alarm human beings in our global movement. We encourage human beings to listen to people who achieve the truth in every place of the world. People should trust the ICCPSEW. We must show a good behavior in our global movement practically. We must show that our global movement is honest with people. The ICCPSEW should attract human beings. We only influence the conscience of human beings by our behavior. We do not force human beings to change themselves. We only show them the right way. It depends on them to choose the right way.

The ICCPSEW must be independent from every sect, or power. It must stay on his independence. The ICCPSEW cannot depend on anyone who owns the power. Otherwise, we cannot attract the conscience of people. We are going to work on human beings’ spirit. In this case people should trust us. There is no way for progressing in the movement except we separate ourselves from the superficial power. We do not have any benefit in our movement. We are not looking for a power in our movement. We have pain for human beings who involve with the foulnesses.

The ICCPSEW can create the deep reformation in the social structure, the economic structure, and the cultural structure in every place of the world. Human beings in every place of the world should support this movement. It means that they should feel the necessary in forming of this movement. They should want to create a peaceful sublime and energetic world. We should arrange some lectures in the media the entire world until this subjectto be understood. We should work very hard to achieve our purpose. We should use human beings who achieve the truth to have some lectures about the global movement in every place of the world. They are like an Internet Network. They can connect each other by the power of the king of the universe.

We should gather human beings who achieve the truth to contribute in a conclave in every country. They will discuss about the practical ways to achieve the deep reformation in their society because they are familiar with their culture very well. They are like the doctors who gather in the conclave to discuss about the physical illnesses. The doctors can transfer their experience to each other. They can transfer the ways of fighting with physical illnesses. In the spiritual conclave, the spiritual doctors (human beings who achieve the truth in a country) can also transfer their experience about ill spirit of human beings. The ways of human beings who achieve the truth are different from the other ones. They will discuss the practical ways to remove the foulnesses in their society. The results of the conclave are very beneficial. A reformer will lead the ICCPSEW in forming the conclaves in every country.

We will establish some places like the hospitals, which we call the Spiritual Hospitals in every place of the world. A deputy will organize spiritual doctors (human beings who achieve the truth) in his country. A spiritual doctor will establish the spiritual hospital in his place. The deputies are like an Internet Network to be leaded by a reformer in the ICCPSEW.

The spiritual doctors specialize in human beings’ spirit. They can treat human beings who own ill spirit because they have an experience in treating human beings’ spirit. On the other hand, they have the power of the king of the universe.

They can use his power in the evolution of human beings. Human beings who own ill spirit can refer to these spiritual hospitals until they become healthy. The first step for creating a peaceful sublime and energetic world is to encourage human beings that if they go to visit a spiritual doctor, they can live more comfortable. We should explain the goal of our movement in the media in every place of the world.

We should also explain that the spiritual doctors do not have any benefit in this global movement in the media because human beings are sensitive about the goal of the spiritual doctors. They do not want to earn money for treatment, but they want to save human beings from the foulnesses compassionately.

Human beings of the society have the different ill spirits. Every one gets one kind of the illness. A spiritual doctor visits an ill person directly. He can realize his illness by the power of the king of the universe.

A spiritual doctor is like a transmitter, and an ill person is like a receiver. He sends the special signals to an ill person by talking to him. These signals illuminate a special light, which comes from the king of the universe inside him. This light cannot see by the eyes of the ordinary people, but a spiritual doctor can see it physically. A spiritual doctor starts treating the illness, when he places this light inside an ill spirit. This special light starts its activity inside ill person. It can create an evolution. An evolution of ill person takes time to recover the illness completely.

A spiritual hospital has the different sections that every section has a special doctor who specializes in an illness. The head of a spiritual hospital visits an ill person. Then, he refers an ill person to the proper section. A special doctor who specializes in this kind of illness visits him again. After that, he places the special light inside an ill person. The spiritual doctor takes care of him to recover his illness.

There are three conditions for recovering an ill spirit. At first, to recover an ill spirit completely, the volition of the king of the universe is the most important condition. We cannot change anything without his permission. We cannot place the special light inside human beings’ spirit without the volition of the king of the universe. In reality, he places the special light inside an ill spirit, and a spiritual doctor only obeys the order of the king of the universe.

The second, a spiritual doctor who achieves the truth should treat an ill spirit. This condition is also important to recover an ill spirit completely. If the other person treats an ill spirit, he cannot send the right signal to an ill person. In this case, an ill person cannot accept his advice. You see some people to advise human beings in every place of the world, but they cannot reform anything inside human beings’ spirits. They are not the spiritual doctors, and they do not have any expert in human beings’ spirits. They can also not place the special lights inside ill spirits. Therefore, you cannot see any reform in human beings.

The third, an ill person should want to be treated by a spiritual doctor. This condition is also important to recover an ill spirit completely. If an ill person does not want to be treated, his receiver does not work any more. A spiritual doctor sends the special signal to him, but his ill spirit cannot receive it.

Human beings who own ill spirits should be interested in removing their illness. We should create an interest in human beings to visit a spiritual doctor. The ICCPSEW should discuss about this subject very precisely. The deputies should design a practical way to encourage human beings get a spiritual doctor to recover their ill spirits in every place of the world. 
The first step for creating a peaceful sublime and energetic world is human beings who are interested in removing their ill spirits should be referred to these spiritual hospitals. The ICCPSEW should design a practical way to create these spiritual hospitals in every place of the world.

We assume the volition of the king of the universe is a person who owns the illness of the jealousy to be treated by a spiritual doctor. We also assume this person wants to be treated by a spiritual doctor. Therefore, there are three conditions to recover the illness of the jealousy. The ICCPSEW should refer him to the spiritual hospital in the nearest place of his country. He tells the spiritual doctor about his illness. The spiritual doctor gives him a medicine on the base of the progress of his illness. The medicine is not physical. The spiritual doctor uses the special light, which comes from him as a medicine by the power of the king of the universe.

The spiritual doctor can treat an ill spirit when he recognizes the illness very early, but he can not treat an ill spirit when he recognizes the illness very late certainly. Therefore, an ill person should visit a spiritual doctor very soon. Otherwise, the special light can not influence on an ill spirit. An ill person should keep his relation to the spiritual doctor until recovering his illness.

The second step for creating a peaceful sublime and energetic world is about the other people who do not know about their ill spirits. They do not have any fault because they do not have enough information about the symptoms of ill spirits. The ICCPSEW should broadcast the symptoms of the different illnesses about the spirit. The spiritual hospital is the place that human beings can go there to get information about the ill spirit in every place of the world.

The third step for creating a peaceful sublime and energetic world is about human beings who know about their illness, but they do not care about the movement. The ICCPSEW should work very hard to get success in the first step and the second step because it is very important in the third step. The ICCPSEW should attract these human beings in the third step by its attitude. We should influence in the conscience of these human beings. There is no way except they trust us. We should show them the ICCPSEW is honest to create a peaceful sublime and energetic world. Of course, the ICCPSEW can not influence on people who enjoy from their illnesses.

The forth step for creating a peaceful sublime and energetic world is about the majority of the foulnesses that they become epidemic in the society like the bribery. The economic poverty is one of the reasons causes the bribery in the society. Certainly, if a person had the proper income, he would not have to get a bribe. In this case, we assume the poverty is only reason of the bribery. We do not discuss the other reasons. A spiritual doctor is not able to recover this illness because it originates from the poverty. 
When a deputy observes an ill spirit like the bribery originates from the external factor like the poverty, he will gather the network of human beings who achieve the truth in a country. The practical way is to discuss this subject in the conclave in a country. They will find the reasons of the poverty in a country.

A deputy will transfer the results of the conclave to the ICCPSEW. The ICCPSEW will discuss about the subject. They will get the result that the reason of the poverty originates from outside of a country. Therefore, the ICCPSEW will determine the groups who expert in the different subjects because they will be formed from the spiritual doctors by a reformer. They should get help from human beings who expert in economic problems for above subject.

The economic group will discuss the subject of the poverty of a country. They will get the result that if this country wants to remove the problem of the poverty, it should be performed the special pattern in long period. This pattern will submit to the president of a country. Certainly, he wants to remove the problem of the poverty in his country unless he has the other purpose. The president should perform this pattern because this movement is global.

The fifth step for creating a peaceful sublime and energetic world is about submitting our pattern to the United Nations. We should try to prove our pattern to the United Nations. There are two possibilities. One possibility is the United Nations will accept this pattern. In this case, we do not have any problem to prove ourselves to the head of the countries. The other possibility is the United Nations will not accept this pattern. In this case, we can move our movement with the help of the king of the universe. It is a little difficult, but we can move the ICCPSEW forward without helping of the United Nations because we get power from the king of the universe.

There are two possibilities about this article. One possibility is the article will win the contest. In this case, I will create the ICCPSEW by choosing human beings who achieve the truth in the different countries. This committee works very hard on the pattern that comes from this article until we design a good pattern. We can submit this pattern to the media. The other possibility is the article will not win the contest. In this case, I will try to create the ICCPSEW myself without helping the contest. I know this is very difficult. I ask human beings who achieve the truth to contact me after reading this article in every place of the world. We may get the help of people who areinterested in creating a peaceful sublime and energetic world.


I am going to create a peaceful sublime and energetic world. I will create an International Committee for Creating a Peaceful Sublime and Energetic World by using human beings who achieve the truth in every place of the world. The ICCPSEW do not depend on any group except the king of the universe.


Mohammad Allahverdi Khan

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