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a obtenu son « Master in Business » à l’ « European Advanced Institute of Management » ainsi qu’un Certificat en finance et investissement à Paris (France). Il a complété ses études dans les Relations Internationales et les Stratégies Politiques et de Défense et a obtenu son Doctorat de Philosophie en Finance.

The New Africa! OP-ED Opinions 

The New Africa!

By Dr. Mehenou Amouzou It is nearing impossibility to discuss and debate the true economic, political and social development of Africa as a whole on the basis the entire Africa the continent is divided and fragmented into several smaller states. Upon creation this division gave false hope and enabled some countries to see themselves as superior as or more affluent… Read More
The Rise of Smartphones in Africa Africa OP-ED 

How can the use of Smartphone’s affect human health?

By Dr. Mehenou Amouzou  Africa needs technologies to develop its resources and meet the needs of today and its growth. The harmony of this development can be achieved if it does not rest on the real value of Africa. This value existed before the appearance of religion. We are not against religion but religion has led to the disappearance of… Read More
Africa OP-ED 

“The World’s Financial Crisis”- The printing press solution” Or more commonly known as The Qwerty keyboard!

By Dr. Mehenou Amouzou History is repeating itself with a human desire to control or rule the world by any means. This obsession has created three categories of human beings: One that has chosen the route to rule, one that has chosen the role of servant and a third that considers themselves to be subordinate to all other humans.  … Read More
Africa OP-ED 

Which Economic and Development Policy’s Should Africa Pursue to Ensure Its Survival Path?

Africa has a very serious economic identity problem. When compared to Asia, the continent has made much less progress. China, India, Indonesia and Singapore largely only endured tourism for revenue in the 1960s. Today, they are very technologically advanced and their banks and financial structure is more solid than the US and European banks. Elsewhere the world’s economic basis is… Read More

Opinion: Culture and Development in Africa

BY DR. MEHENOU AMOUZOU     Culture is one of the most significant factors of development.  The role of culture in development should not be understated, but treated as a complex multi-layered factor for long-term growth and success.   First, as an intrinsic value, secondly as a key factor of regional development leading to increased attractiveness of regions for tourists,... Read More

The Global Banking Financial Crisis’s and Its Impact on Developing Nations: Case Study Africa

The Interview of Dr. Mehenou Amouzou  – For several decades the public has witnessed the shift of world global economic policies from countries’ production and stable economic indicators, to wild crazy speculations and market derivatives created to hide the real cause of economic instability which is the printing of the fiasco money and fiscal policy! Plainly stated we cannot continue... Read More