Erdogan Middle East 

A Sad Day For Turkey

The razor-thin victory (51.3% to 48.7%) of Turkey’s President Erdogan in the referendum held on April 16 in fact denies Erdogan the mandate to govern with the sweeping powers the new constitution grants the President, especially when the results of the referendum are seriously contested. Even if there was no outright fraud or irregularities in the votes (which by all… Read More
Modern Parenting Lifestyle OP-ED 

Modern Civilization vs Biblical Method Of Parental Discipline

The irreconcilable catfight between modern civilization and some basic tenets of the Bible, continues to degenerate in different dimensions. One of which, includes: Choosing the most appropriate method of parental discipline. Sequel to the heightened attention human/child rights receive globally (well, at least in countries of advanced civilization), people of divergent opinions- Atheists, ex-Christians, liberal and non-committal Christians, and many… Read More