Donald Trump Middle East 

USA moves toward major intervention in Yemen

The USA, according to Defense Secretary “Mad Dog” Mattis, he who ordered the use of chemical weapons in Fallujah, Iraq, is about to take a major step towards direct intervention in support of Saudi Arabia’s war on the Yemeni people. According to Jeffrey St. Clair, editor of CounterPunch, this war has already seen 90,000 Saudi airstrikes on Yemen, or one… Read More
judas iscariot Lifestyle OP-ED 

Why it is treacherous to disrespect Judas Iscariot!

The Christian Easter festivities have hurriedly come and gone, but one name has remarkably stayed stuck on the lips of a large portion of Christians. As often the case every year, this mysterious name continues to grow even more popular than the celebrated occasion. Judas Iscariot: A name notoriously synonymous with greed, betrayal and treason. A name heavily loathed by… Read More